(no subject)

May 28, 2005 15:11

FUCK ME i've been a lazy hoebag on the journally front of late..

But in all thats newsworthy, it sux royally that Shapelle the Corby has been jailed for 20 years for 4.1kg of pot.. jeezus, i could have smoked that in a week five years ago.. PLUS she got a 14 grand fine.. ludicrous..Im all about respecting the laws and stuff.. but that's just major bull dangles.

It's me birfday on Sunday (im 32 frickety two.. sooo old sniff sniff) so im having most of the chix around tonite for pizza and drinky poohs.. not that i'll be partaking too much in the vino what with boobie feeding and all but it'll be the first alcy bevo's i've had in a long time. Im also looking forward to the annual pissup with the chix more than anything.

Both babes are doing well, Liv has been a right pain in the clackski of late, but still adorable nonetheless, Millar, well whats to complain about with a newborn? ok, so he shits alot but it's all good. He has roseola and teh moment but doesn't seem to be bothering him too much.

What else, OH sux ass that i watched Entertainment tonite and it spoiled it for me with american idol, tho, i must admit, for the first time ever, i didn't care who won, i think they were equally talented and both deserved the title.. That bo bice tho, he had it goin ON!!! he can poke his mike stand under my doona anytime...*wink wink*

ok.. well both the kiddies are sleeping and the lounge looks like a toy bomb exploded and clint's mother is coming to pick liv up in half an hour so i best betting my butt into gear and getting some shit done around here..

adios.. and happy's to me.. incase im not back by sunday :P
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