An hour at starbucks

Oct 11, 2011 00:06

2 take-away(s) from our conversation today:

1. When both are angry- no one is allowed to walk away from the table
I admit. I have a tendency to walk away in the middle of a nasty fight because it is an easy thing to do. What is not easy to do is to swallow the anger, stay put and to make things right. She is right. We are adults, and we should address things like adults. It is high time that I abandon my childish, runaway attitude because no one likes to be the one left at the table.

2. Make time for (real) friends
We will always be busy. There will always be places to go, things to do. It will always be a "next time", and a "let's meet another day", and days will drag to months, and months to years. Before you know it, your friend will be getting married and you'll realize that there was so much time lost, that the next 2-hour meetup will cover the stories of the past 6 months. Re-telling stories a few months later is not quite as exciting as when we were there to hear it first hand.

All it took was a few hours (& a good friend) to put (some) things into perspective.

conversations, daily reminders, friends

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