May 16, 2009 17:38
I know, I know... I remember high school, I was invincible. And that was before "sexting"...
Something needs to be done though... I don't think someone that sends a private picture to someone else should be punished, that's just unrealistic and unfair. I _do_ think that the people that forward those pictures NEED to be charged with whatever charges they are guilty of though.
Yes, it's common sense. If you send a picture you should WHOLLY EXPECT it to get to someone else. But these are naive teenagers that truly think the person they are sending intimate pictures to are the people that are NOT going to hurt them. And then when the inevitable breakup comes along, *boom!* all these pictures are getting sent out by the bulk! _THAT_ is what I take issue with. And I completely agree with any and all charges that are brought up.
In most cases, it's a girl sending the pictures to her boyfriends. These girls trust their boyfriends and chances are, feel a little bit of pressure to send them anyway. Not necessarily from the boy, but who doesn't remember doing everything you can to be seen as "sexy" in high school!? I don't think it's appropriate, but it's going to happen. This was a picture sent in a trusting manor.
When it gets sent to everyone else, that's just malicious. NO ONE, not even a young child can say they had good intentions in mass-distributing a picture that was sent to them in confidence. There is NO other "reason" to send those, aside from revenge.
Last July, Jessica Logan, and 18-year-old Ohio girl committed suicide after her exboyfriend distributed pictures she had sent them while they were together. She became the object of torment from her classmates. With other girls (I remember that part of high school, too... how absolutely HORRIBLE other girls are to each other!) taunting her, calling her a "slut" and "whore"... Now it wasn't bad enough that practically her ENTIRE school has seen her naked, but now they feel the need to harass her as well! The article I just read made no mention of any charges the exboyfriend was facing, only that the parents were suing the school for failing to make any discernible effort to stop the harassment.
I truly feel this boy needs to be punished as well, along with anyone else that distributed any pictures against Jessica's will. If he hadn't wanted to make her life so miserable, he would have just deleted the pictures and gone on with his life. But he made the decision to start the chain-reaction that ultimately lead to this girl's suicide.