(no subject)

Oct 07, 2005 21:16

well lets see...my week has been a pretty normal week i guess. i had a TON of work due towards the end...but it all worked out ok. i got sick thursday which was not fun at all! but im better now so its all good:) i didnt get to go to the game tonight cuz i had to go eat with my parents...but im sure the guys (and the band hotties!) will do awesome! but ya now im home bored to death...i rented a movie tonight..."fever pitch"...but i havent started it yet. i cant believe im gonna watch a red sox movie...YUCK!

so tomorrow i plan on sleepin SUPER late! im really lookin forward to that! then tomorrow night im goin to the calender pageant which is goin to be super fun! i will definately be cheerin on my lover...MOOBIE!!! (haha sally!) im excited! tons of pictures will be taken!

so i just got done readin a lot of my old entries...can u tell im bored??? but ya anyways...i read a lot about a certain someone who i never talk to anymore. its kinda weird...but i know why everything changed like it did. i mean im glad that all the crap is over with...but i kinda miss the good times(which used to be called kodaks). but we've gone our seperate ways i guess...so theres not much i can do.

so i guess im gonna go now...sorry this entry was super boring! i try to tell jackson that my life is not exciting at all but he keeps makin me update! haha jk...my stalker and future pro pingpong player/presidential candidate is SUPER AWESOME! well hope everyone has a great weekend! luv ya guys!

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