Apr 03, 2005 03:46
And so our story begins once upon a Sunday morning at 3:46 am. Oh wait... I think it's 4:46? No that can't be right. Okay, our story begins at whatever time this is, which is actually irrelevant because that's not the beginning of our story at all...
Once upon a time Boppo sucked at fake nails.
Once upon a time SNL was actually funny... yessssssssss!
Once upon a time we didn't watch What Not to Wear so that we would go to sleep, and that obviously didn't work out because here we sit...
I know what you're saying, you're saying, "Bekah Brogan you are not making any sense right now." Well my friend, then I am saying, "It's my live journal, I don't HAVE TO MAKE SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Stephanie and Boppo slept over tonight, and I seem to be a bit restless, and so does Stephanie, so we went online to see who was on, and no one was. Well Timm Huffman was, but he wasn't really, so it didn't count. I discovered that Casey West has a livejournal but decided not to read it because I found it intrusive.
Stephanie said I was supposed to write this whole entry in song lyrics... The time is 2:22...(it's not, but that was a good start). Never forget, there's life after death and taxes.
...And outside it starts rainiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing, yeah well she says baby. it's 3 am I must be lonely (I must be lonelyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy) (No seriously, it's raining, and we're lonely. Stephanie and I)
Hey you it's me. I'm sorry it's so late. I can't sleep. I knew you'd be awake. You always are. Waiting by the phone. For times like these when I'm feeling all alone...
Okay, I can't think of any song lyrics, so we're gonna make a song up. You can't hear it, but sing it to the tune of...um... to the tune of... 5,000 screaming children!!!!! YESSSSSS! We knew you'd hate this before we wrote it, so listen up we're telling you before you tell us. We're not misinformed or misdirected functioning on your subjectives, your hatred only fuels us on!!!
Girls just wanna have fuuuun.
And now life lessons by Stephanie S:
1). If you're ever feeling self conscious, wear your ponytail on the side.
2). Never try to stifle a laugh, because then soda comes out of your nose.
3). Stop at stop signs.
4). Don't make fun of your boss, he tends to not like it so much.
5). Never be too proud to admit when you're wrong.
Life lessons by Bekah B:
1). Stay up late. Sleep is not that important, life is short, and I bet your friends are more fun than you give them credit for. A little sleep deprivation does marvelous things.
2). Dance. (by yourself, and think of me when you do... that wasn't my lesson, it was a lesson interrupted by a song lyric) Even if you can't dance, dance anyway. It's freeing, and who knows, you may get to star in Napolean's sequel-Moonboots over Manhattan.
3). If you go to California and start pondering how grand life would be if you lived there, don't mention it to ANYONE.
4). Scratch a friends back scratch a back next to ya, scratch a friends back and sing la la...
5). Try not to buy a coffee table with sharp corners, you never know how many times someone might hit their head on it.
Thanks for joining Stephanie and I on our live journal adventure. We now return to your regularly scheduled programming already in progress.