Sep 20, 2007 10:32
if the analogy for today is that life's a game of chess, i decided that the reason i'm so miserable is that right now, i'm a pawn.
here i sit, unable to do anything for anyone. if the game would come within my surrounding squares, i'd be able to do something... but generally any action i see is counteractive... someone standing right in my way.
so i just stay put, counting down the months until i get to really play again. and hearing awful stories from all kinds of friends across the board that i can do nothing for. i can't even give them a hug or take them for coffee, i'm stuck using the same line for all of them -- "i'm so sorry." i'm sick of only showing empathy through words. i'm sick of sitting around listening to people talk about how many moves they've made in the game.
in short, i'm sick of being me.