i don't know where my mind thinks up these things...

Feb 13, 2006 11:05


so i got to go to the OOTP movie premiere, and they gave us all of these pieces of paper for the celebrities to sign (and for some reason, mary-kate and ashley were going to be there?) and it was just a piece of paper that said:
Character Name:________
Celebrity Name: _________
but anyways, i got there early, so i got all of the small people's autographs (luna lovegood's, and filch) and so i went home or something...this part of the dream is blurry...and then i came back again when the big stars were supposed to be there and i lost almost all of my papers, so i had to get them all on ONE piece of paper...so the phelps brothers come up (and for some reason, one of their names was "Orange" and the other one i just called George), and i got their autographs and then i saw daniel radcliffe and i started freaking out and "Orange" was like "oh, you really like him, don't you? You can't even control yourself.." and i just kept screaming and then eventually he came up and Orange was like "Hey dan, this one fancies you!" and dan was like "you want my autograph?" and i was like "AHH! YESS!!" and then he gave me a hug and then Orange goes, "why don't you give her the special hogwarts greeting.." and then DANIEL RADCLIFFE TOUCHED MY BOOBS!!!! no joke!!!! i don't know what got into my mind, but apparently that is the special hoigwarts welcome...well, anyways, he moved on down the carpet, and some more people came in...i was waiting to get emma watson's autograph (i totally forgot about rupert) but she was going to be really late so i just went in to see the movie...
it continues, nothing really that interesting..the movie was nothing like the book, and it had the old dumbledore in it...and it started out with this baby on a hovering flower looking over a giant mushroom (where i guess the Order was...i'm not sure)

my mind is SERIOUSLY fucked up...but if daniel radcliffe gets to touch my boobs, i'm all for it.
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