Sep 06, 2005 23:00
13p There are some things that are best left unsaid.
Especially when those things have nothing to do you.
Prying your way into other people’s conversations does not make you the messenger.
You know the reason why people "shoot the messenger"? Because the messenger had no business sending the messages in the first place!
This is how wars get started. Because people like Daniel feel it is their sworn duty to their machiavellian-centric ego to deliver messages without the consent, return address, and postage stamp!
People have mouths of their own and can talk to people about problems if it’s that important to even mention. And guess what?! If it is worth making a big grievance about, people are capable of handling it on their own! Its called human nature.
I don’t need help when it comes to talking to my friends. That’s why I --HAVE--friends! And if there’s a problem, I certainly don’t need someone else to deliver an ill-advised, pms-driven rambling that matters to no one, for me.
Stay away from my mailbox. If I need something delivered, I’ll let the mailman take care of it. Unlike the messenger that one asked for, the mailman gets paid.