Feb 11, 2009 12:29
I have rediscovered that I am truly an evil TA. I do not give mercy points. Well I do give mercy points, but I give them while grading. Once I've made my decision on your grade, assuming I didn't make a mistake on that assessment, you are NOT going to get points back from me. And you are welcome to argue for as long as you wish, it's not going to happen. I really pissed this one chick off yesterday. But seriously, if you get the wrong answer, it's wrong. I gave her credit for the parts she got right, and I was being generous to do that.
In other thoughts, this:
From: V B
Subject: thoughts on common stocks
Dear Lab Members,
I am currently trying to find the Dig-UTP ordered by Georgia in November of 2008. I have a couple of observations which might make things easier in the future.
1. If you are in possession of something that is considered a common stock reagent, please store it with the common stocks.
2. If you use up something that is a common stock, please reorder it. Observing this would make life much easier.
/rampagetime go!