Jan 13, 2009 12:37
My friend Matthieu is brilliant, and not because he is getting a Ph.D. in something to do with radiowaves and microcircuitry and many other things that make my head spin. This is because he lives 6 hours ahead of me. (My friend Drew from Australia is also quite smart, and I will blame this on the 13 hour time difference.) It also explains why Miyuki was so stupid, clearly living your life 13 hours behind your natural time will do that to you. This theory does not explain my friend Georgia who is brilliant (and from China) but my guess is that all Chinese people are exempt from the time rule. All glibness aside, Matthieu has been kindly dealing with my irrational sadness. He made me realize that I was not seeing all sides of the problem (something that my advisor is always reminding me of) and that the boy probably has a girlfriend already and that I was making all shades of a fool of myself over a guy who probably wished I would just leave him alone. And so that is what I will do. I just wish I had less feeling invested in the whole situation. Maybe then I could stop crying about it.
In other news I learned what biotinylated means and what it means is that I don't have pretty pictures of my dual antibody stain although the pankeratin stain turned out awesome. I'll try again, although probably with a completely different antibody (i could use a streptavidin secondary for my biotinylated slides but apparently there is a different antibody which Jerrod says works better). I will have pretty pictures soon (if I have to stop sleeping to get them... lab meeting in 8 days and committee meeting quite soon).