May 21, 2007 02:09
It's kind of odd. My life has once more not gone the way I had hoped it would. I guess I never really said anything about it, I stay pretty busy with lab work and studying hard core lately and before that with classes or XI or just about anything/everything. I thought I'd met someone. We started dating in late November but I didn't really know them very well. We broke up on Friday, well it started earlier, the day he called me at 4:40 am and then called me again after I didn't answer the first time was the day I finally realized that he frightens me a lot and doesn't care about my well being as much as he thinks he does. He has tried to be fairly controlling of me ever since we started this relationship. It's caused a lot of fights as those of you who know me know I'm not one to be subservient all the time. He has tried to isolate me from my parents and my friends by telling me that he is a very private person and that I have no right to discuss our relationship with anyone because that invades upon his privacy. Now that we've broken up he calls and e-mails me relentlessly, yesterday alone he called me 18 times. He is determined to make me agree with him that I'm a horrible person unfit for any relationships and that if I'd just worked a little harder our relationship could have worked because even though I don't love him (I stopped loving him sometime after he started frightening me) he loves me so much that I could have loved him back in time... Worse because he and I are in the same group of people in FFXI he is trying his hardest to get me kicked out of my group of friends at a time when I need them the most. He alternates between being horribly hateful of me and trying to order me around by saying that I am the one ruining his life and so I should give him what he asks for because he deserves it. It's times like this that I wish I didn't get lonely and feel like I need a boyfriend.