ch 3 illusion part 1

Mar 06, 2012 15:27

Disclaimer: I do not own anything. Not even Lorna also known as Polaris, she is the love of Alex’s life in comic version.

Genre: Romance/hurt/comfort.

Warning: NC 17

Author note: It wasn’t that good but please review. If anyone had any suggestion for next chapter I would be happy to hear them

I am looking for a beta.

A thousand thanks for Kathryn and gleek love ice cream for helping commenting on my story and gave me the push I need to post them.

It’s an AU since Darwin is still alive and both Eric and Angel is still good and they were at the Xavier mansion

Chapter 3 Illusion of Truth

Alex, Darwin and Angel are sitting and chatting at the table next to Hank. Usually Hank would stare slyly at the blond beauty but he was still too embarrassed and guilty after last night that he can’t bring himself to look at Alex. Hank picking on his food, he doesn’t have any appetite. He turned his eyes to the front table. Charles is splitting his food with Eric while they talk. They seem to be discussing something important, maybe training schedule. Knowing Eric he probably wanted them to begin training at sunrise or something. Charles probably argued that starting too early will reduce the productivity. Hank continued to pick on his food gloomily.

“Hey, bozo” Alex voice startle him. Like usual Alex always come just to pick on Hank. It didn’t stop the feeling of scrunching in his stomach, butterflies? And the shivers that ran through his nerves when Alex was near him and the sudden fasting thumping of his heart against his ribs when Alex looked at him with his thrice beautiful silvery blue eyes. Hank evaded his gaze vehemently, guilt burning brightly in him.

“What happen to you?” Alex looked at Hank’s flush face with a worry expression.

“Your face is really red, are you sick?” his genuinely concern tone surprising the brunet. “Have you taken the medicine?”

“No, I’m fine” Hank replied quietly.

“You sure?” Alex peered into his eye to see if he is lying.

The blond’s enchanting eyes are the color of the stormy sky and Hank is lost in it.

“Maybe you should go back to bed. You shouldn’t work yourself too hard when you’re sick” every word that came out from that heart shape rosy lip is hypnotic.

Hank wanted to nibble on those rose petal lip. The brunet love how Alex voice is deep and thick like honey. He imagined that voice moaning his name for the million times.

“Hank” Alex’s voice stripped of his signature coarseness Hank thought reserve for him. There was an uncharacteristic tenderness masked in there somewhere. “Hank, are you okay?” Alex snapped his finger in front of the brunet’s eyes and Hank is snap out of his daze. “I really think you should go back to bed. You wouldn’t be any use like this. We don’t want any incident to happen”.

Hank can see the concern on Alex’s handsome face and his stomach churned with guilt.

‘God, why did Alex have to be nice all of the sudden!’ it made Hank felt even guiltier. The alluring blond rarely not acted like an ass to him. It irony how the one time Alex is being nice to Hank is the one time Hank wish he wasn’t.

“No. I’m okay, just feel a little off”

“Well, if you are sure” he sound unconvinced “Just take the medicine okay. It might get worst if you don’t. And don’t work until late hours, you should rest early tonight”

Hank waited for the blond to leave and was surprise as he feel Alex’s palm on his forehead.

“Wha…?” Hank said incoherently, surprise.

This is the first time they make any physical contact. It felt like electric, warming his forehead before it spread more and more inside of him. It made him even more flushed. Alex’s other palm is checking his own forehead, comparing the temperature.

“You’re very warm, must be a fever. Want me to go and ask Charles for a Tylenol?” he offered kindly.

“No, it’s okay. I will ask him myself” Hank stuttered.

The enthralling blond is being too nice today and Hank doesn’t know how to take it.

Alex’s hand was fairly slender, callused and really warm. It felt good against his cold skin. It was different than Alex’s hand. It felt and look the same but those arms are cold. It must be Raven’s body temperature. He wonders if Raven’s knew that the body temperature is different. It is just one more thing to differ illusion from reality.

Alex has gone back to his friends. Hank eyes trailed after him before he realized it and looked down and picked on his food again. He still doesn’t have any appetite. Alex laughed at something Darwin said and Hank’s heart did a little flip at the sound. He can’t help but stare at the blonde again. He loved the deep sound of Alex’s laughter and felt jealous that Darwin was the one who make him laugh.

Alex looked so enthralling when he laughed. His eyes would go to hide underneath his pretty eyelids and his pearly white teeth were perfectly arranged. Angel seems to say something to Alex and the blonde smile white and bright to her and started talking animatedly. His eyes were sparkling and as he talked he gestured widely, enthusiastically. Hank wondered what they were talking to made the blonde like that. Jealousy burning bright inside of him. Alex was like a different person when he was with them, so carefree and at ease. He seems so real. So unlike with everyone else…so unlike with Hank. When he was with them, it is like he has come out of his shell and Hank can’t be more jealous. What is it about Darwin and Angel that make the blonde like that? The blonde spend so much of his non-training time with them.

Alex looked at his direction suddenly and their eyes lock with each other. Hank turned bright red at being caught staring and quickly turned back to his food. Alex had never caught him staring before. The food tasted like bile in his throat. Alex frowned when Hank avoided his gaze. He is relief that Hank’s food doesn’t remain untouched though. Sick people should eat to help their body recover. He doesn’t realize Angel is calling him.

“Alex”. “Huh?” he came out of his reverie.

“You just space out. Are you okay, man?” Darwin fake concern, his eyes glint knowingly.

“Yeah, I’m fine” he said absently. “I just have something in my mind” his eye flickering to Hank again before he realize it and he quickly turn his attention to his two best friends.

“Anyway, I have decided. When the war is over and done with, I want to continue my study. Haven’t went to school for a long time, you know since prison” Alex change the subject and try to act like Hank stare doesn’t bother him. It is probably his imagination anyway. “Have a lot to catch up with”

Darwin and Angel are silent for awhile. It is weird to talk about ‘after the war’ when they wasn’t even sure if they or most of the world’s population would survive it. But thinking about it did give a little hope and something to fight for. Darwin smile, Alex is a lot more spirited and positive since the chest plate is created. He now can control his power a lot better.

“We’re CIA member now” Angel rolled her eyes “I don’t see why we need to go to school. I haven’t gone since I was 14” she said a bit bitterly, remembering the time her abusive step father beat her badly and kick her out of her home when her power first awaken.

“Come on, we can only be high school student once. Beside I love study”.

Angel snorted at that while Darwin look surprised.

“What?” he asked.

“Never saw you as the nerd type” said Darwin teasingly.

“Hey, just because I really like studying and has a thirst for knowledge doesn’t mean I am a nerd” Alex protested.

“Yeah, that’s convincing” Darwin chuckle heartily.

“Shut up” Alex said lightheartedly.

“I don’t see what the problem is” Angel touched his hand gently and fluttered her beautiful, long eyelids at the charming blonde. “Girls love guy who is both brain and brawn” her tone low, seductive. “Much better than guy who is good looking but has the brain the size of a pea” she gesture the size of a pea with her smooth, pretty fingers. “I have met too much of that kind of man anyway. It is such a turns off”. Angel rub her leg with Alex’s sensuously. It is distracting but Alex tried his best to ignore it. He can’t be affected by it especially not in front of Darwin.

“I have decided to take Geophysics in University. Help me learn more about my power”.

“Geophysics?” asked Angel curious. If anything guys love girls who listen to them talk.

“Geophysics is the physics of the Earth and its environment in space. Its subjects include the shape of the Earth, its gravitational and magnetic fields, the dynamics of the Earth as a whole and of its component parts, the Earth's internal structure, composition and tectonics, the generation of magmas, volcanism and rock formation, the hydrological cycle including snow and ice, all aspects of the oceans, the atmosphere, ionosphere, magnetosphere and solar-terrestrial relations, and analogous problems associated with the Moon and other planets. Geophysics is also applied to societal needs, such as mineral resources, mitigation of natural hazards and environmental protection. Geophysical survey data are used to analyze potential petroleum reservoirs and mineral deposits, to locate groundwater, to locate archaeological finds, to find the thicknesses of glaciers and soils, and for environmental remediation. Overall it is really interesting” Alex explained with an excited tone.

Angel and Darwin looked shock.

“What?” Alex frowned. He doesn’t like the look on their faces. He remember his old friends use to make that kind of look too when they found out he is more than a bad boy and actually have brain. It’s infuriating that people usually peg him down as the brainless, brawn type.

“Dude, did you memorize that or something” the dark male laughed. “I take it back you’re not a nerd. You’re a super nerd”.

“NO, I just have a really good memory”. His friends only look amuse at his denial.

“I refuse to be a nerd” he pouted not that he will ever admit it. Manly man doesn’t pout.

“Dude, you already are one” Darwin teased. “Anyway, it’s good that you have already got it all planed out” he said admirably. “Anyway, what is tectonics?”

“Plate tectonics are a scientific theory which describes the large scale motions of Earth's lithosphere…” the blonde teen stopped when he saw his friends’ amuse faces.

He realized Darwin was teasing him.

“Dude, you totally memorize that straight from the book aren’t you. Did you memorize the whole book or something” Darwin laughed.

Alex elbowed him playfully.

“Fine, I’m a nerd but a cool one. A really cool, good looking one” Alex conceded defeat.

“You should talk to Hank some time” Darwin said. “You guys have a lot more in common than I thought. For one, both of you are super nerd”.

“Stop joking. Why would I want to do that” Darwin was startled with the seriousness in his tone. “That guy barely talked to me outside of work. Hank always coops himself in his lab like a social pariah. He will probably think it is a waste of his time anyway” Alex quickly down his drink before getting out and gather his plate and glass and head to the sink before Darwin can say anything.

Darwin shook his head a little. Alex is mostly mean when it came to Hank. At first Darwin think it is low self esteem or jealousy? After all Hank is like this super perfect guy that is world apart from him. Hank Mc Coy graduated Harvard at the age of 15, is one of CIA most talented young researcher and come from a very wealthy family (he must have since his father is a famous nuclear scientist). He is so perfect it is unnerving at time. But then again so are Charles, Raven and Sean. G-men as they are, those three was bloody rich totally different from Alex, Angel and him. And Eric was unnerving for a whole different set of reasons. Alex even nicknamed him the Shark.

But Alex got along just fine with all of them except for Hank which is just plain weird. And Alex always seems confident (except when it come to his power control) so it can’t be low self esteem. He getting alone fine with Raven, Sean and Charles prove that it is never jealousy. And definitely not discrimination either since he never heard Alex insult Raven scaly skin all the time they hang out together which is a lot. It is actually the opposite.

They’re drinking beer in the blond teen’s room when the topic came out. What Alex said surprise Darwin.

“It is very attractive especially if you look closely. I mean yellowish gold eyes, flaming red hair and blue scaly skin, really unique beauty. She is possibly one of a kind” and “I don’t really get it why she has to hide her true form from us all the time. We’re kin after all. She should know we would accept her. Beside at least, she is not a dangerous ex-convict like me”.

Darwin wished Raven was there when he said it, maybe then she would realize she doesn’t have to hide from her friends. Darwin waited until Alex got drunker before he asked about Hank’s feet.

It is hard to get the blond drunk. He is only half drunk by the time the question is delivered.

The blond was quiet and his shoulders taut with tension before answering “That bozo is making a big thing out of his leg. It is really annoying. He always tried to hide his mutation like it is something horrible and ugly. You should see the way he run with Charles around the manor, always holding him back. Even when he run really fast, I see him speed up and slow down and he runs with his back straight, proper as if he can’t let go for one second, even though he’s surpassing Charles on the makeshift track. I mean what is with that? It is pathetic that he can’t even man up to his own two feet even when it give him such power. Beside why did he have to hide his legs so much anyway? Sure it is unnaturally big but….his legs wasn’t ugly… it wasn’t that ugly”.

Darwin think Alex is stopping him from saying more. That maybe just like Raven’s scaly skin and yellowish gold eyes, he actually think Hank feet is uniquely beautiful. Maybe even more so than Raven.

He also realizes that Alex must have been watching Hank very closely if he realizes all that detail. He has seen it himself, Hank run like more than 5 to 6 times faster than Charles. But then again Alex was always an observant person especially on things that interest him. From his words, he can see why Hank got on Alex’s nerve. Alex has such a hard time controlling his force of power let alone aiming it at anything. He tried really hard to master his destructive power. On the other hand Hank’s legs are harmless, they only made him go faster and yet Hank is holding back so much and treating it like it is something vile. Anyone would be annoyed by it.

Darwin doesn’t say anything because it doesn’t seem right to judge Hank harshly either. Then he thought about it and realize. Wasn’t Hank’s case the similar with Raven’s? She hides her mutation all the time. He doesn’t see Alex ever act mean towards her. It was when Darwin saw his best friend keep going out of his way just to interact with the shy brunette that it just click. It is always Alex who seeks the brunette out and not the other way around. He wondered if Alex will ever realize that there’s more bigger reason why Hank always get on Alex’s nerve than he thought or if Hank will ever learn to see past Alex’s surface.

Alex stopped near the counter as he saw Charles washing the dishes. That alone was normal except he had Eric’s arm wrap around his slim waist and the older man pressing kisses on his neck and stopping to murmur something to Charles’s ear, letting his hot breath tickle Charles’s earlobe making the smaller man shivered.

God, these guys are beyond PDF! Alex is not a homophobe. His only friend in prison is bisexual. He even get proposition from said friend and had rejected it kindly. But that doesn’t mean he likes to watch! He wanted to yell at them to get a room before he realized how unwise it is to anger the shark (Erik). He would be killed in seconds. He heard Charles gasp as Eric hand slip inside his shirt and run up and down his torso. God, these guys are shameless! Alex can’t help but blushed. The blonde put his dishes on the counter and decided to wash them later and quickly left before the sex machine duo do something that will scarred him for life because seriously even his old prison inmate have more self restrain than that!

In his quest to get away, he bumped to Hank who is carrying his dishes. The brunette barely able to save them from falling.

“Sorry” Alex said sheepishly before he realizes it is Hank. “Oh, it just you” he said defiantly

Hank ignored the rudeness. It seem Alex is done being nice to him for a day. He was surprise to see the gorgeous teen blushing though. Alex’s cheek was a beautiful pinkish red. So beautiful.

“Listen you don’t want to go there now. The sex craze duo is at it again”. Hank groaned at that. Well that explain why the blonde is blushing. Those guys are shameless and Hank has had the luck of walking on them in the hallway before. They make out everywhere! Those two were the adults here, but they were acting worse than teenagers with their sexual drive that can rival Zeus himself! And he is so, not jealous of them! He wasn’t!

“We should excuse them from kitchen duty” he heard Alex mumble under his breath and smile.

“Not going to work. Those guys will find another reason to make out in the kitchen”

Alex groaned at that and crossing his arm angrily. “As if I haven’t seen enough when I walk in on them going on it in the library, twice! Those guys have no respect for intellectual stimulating place. And I really need to get my brain wash from all the mental scarred”.

“I never knew you like to go to the library” Hank said surprise, he never peg Alex down as a bookworm or an intellectual before. It down on him how little he knew about the blond. The time when Alex is not training or hanging around with friend, he is probably at the library.

“Dude, why is everyone so surprise that I am actually a ne…an intellectual” Alex was annoyed. Did everyone think he is stupid or something? Maybe for someone as smart as Hank he did seem stupid (the thought piss him off!). Why did he need to care what Mr. Smartass think anyway? Hank and his smartness can take a hike. Hank wanted to say something but Alex cut him off. “Don’t forget to take your medicine, Bigfoot. We don’t need our only scientist to get sick do we” he huff before he left. Hank watched him until he disappear from sight. He scolded himself for making Alex angry.

Hank return to his room that night or early morning since it is already past midnight. He felt relieve when he open the door and find his bed empty. As he switched on the light, he felt someone push him back to the wall and soft lips crashed to his. The man has hide at the back of the door and he is totally taken by surprise, Alex’s cold lips kissing him hard and fast and really, really well. For awhile he is lost, Alex takes Hank’s mouth and consumes it, claims it, mark it with bites and hot rolls of his tongue. His lip is cold but it feels so good. Wait, cold! Hank is forcefully brought to reality and he pushed Raven from him.

“What is the matter? You seem really enjoy it?” she teases. When the look doesn’t leave his face, she sighed exasperated. “What is it?”

“What is it? How could you ask that after what I, we done” he said guilt stricken.

“Hank…” Raven wanted to convince him that it is no big deal but the brunet doesn’t want to hear any of it.

“Just leave…please Raven just leave”

Raven sighed. Hank and his moral. A few second later the sound of door close seems too loud in the quiet room.

nc 17 slash

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