Anniversary romance

Mar 06, 2012 15:17

Disclaimer: I do not own anything. If not they will be tone of gay sex in the movie. And by gay sex I mean Charles/Erik and Hank/Alex, maybe even Charles/Alex, Eric/Alex and foursome between the young mutant boys.

Genre: Romance

Warning: NC 17 slash.

It’s an AU. It wasn’t that good and the character is kind of ooc but please review.

This is my first anniversary story. It’s really hard to write them so please be gentle.

I am looking for a beta.

A thousand thanks for Kathryn for helping commenting on my story.

Beta by:kittygirl998939

Anniversary romance

Hank felt soft rose petal lips press so softly against his. Hank’s lips curl into a smile and he slowly open his eyes. He smiled grew as he saw his incredibly beautiful boyfriend staring at him with such loving gaze. Alex is a lot more beautiful than when he first met him.

‘Was it possible for a man to have eyes so brilliantly blue, hair quite that shade of ripe corn and moonlight skin? Or did love make everyone look special?’

Hank registered that his blond beauty is already dress in his work clothes.

“Morning, honey. I brought you breakfast” the blond smile affectionately then lifting a tray of food with a single red rose from the small table beside Hank’s bedside to lay beside his lover. “Pesto scrambled eggs with Blueberry pancakes your favorite”

Hank smile and pulled his boyfriend close and kissed him slowly. Alex couldn't hold back a moan and it only encouraged him. His hands slid under Alex’s shirt but the blond resentfully stop him with a hand on his shoulder.

“I had to get to work” the blond beauty said apologetic.

‘Damn’ Hank thought.

“Eat your breakfast’ Alex gave one last chaste kiss to Hank’s lips before ruffling his already messy bed hair. Hank wanted to protest but stop when he see Alex had a huge, blinding grin on his face. The grin always makes Hank’s blood travels two times faster and his heart to speed up. “I love you” the blond said before he left the room. His voice so, full of love that something inside Hank melted.

“I love you too” Hank said looking at the spot Alex had been before he left. He meant those words with every fiber of his being. He is so lucky to have Alex.

The blond is working in his office when his mind went back home to Hank. His genius of a lover must be furiously writing his new book right now. Smiling fondly, he decided to text his beloved.

‘I can’t wait to be in your arms’ Alex smile and press send.

The blond come home late at night after buying a box of heart shape chocolate and champagne for Hank. He is enthusiastic and can’t wait to meet his lover. He had been very busy lately and doesn’t spend enough time with his enthralling lover.

Alex turned his car into the driveway and quickly got out with a huge smile and a light spring to his step. He felt himself stepping on something soft. The blond looked down and was most surprised to see that he is stepping right on soft red rose’s petals. The blond feel his heart melted. Who knows Hank can be such a romantic! Usually Alex is the romantic one in their relationship, the one to pursue. It gives him a heady feeling to be the one pursued for a change. It feels wonderful to know Hank had done all of this for him...for them. He saw beautiful trail of rose petals leading to the door. More surprises? The blond face lit up like Christmas had come early and quickly follows the trail of flower with a light spring to his every step. He can’t wait to see what his wonderful lover had installed for him.

The trail of red roses went from the blonde’s car up the stairs to their bedroom where there was another two dozen roses waiting in a crystal vase and a note saying "meet me under the moonlight sky where I will massage you and dip strawberries in chocolate, next to candles and we can just hold each other in our arms and watch the stars". Alex was so surprised and touched. He never thought anyone would go that far for him.

The blond can hear gentle, relaxing, romantic music came from the other side of the balcony’s door. Alex took a deep breath in anticipation as he open the door. The blond let out a gasp of pleasant surprise, his heart fill with love for the other man. Hank had turned the balcony, really romantic. They are flower petal spread all around the place. Several scented candles spread throughout the dark balcony set an intimate mood. The place smells like lavender and it is great, soothing and give off a feeling of serene. The blonde feel himself begin to relax.

“Hank” he breathed. All Alex wanted is to hold Hank in his arm and show him how much he loves him for this.

His throat released a deep sigh when he saw his lover in all of his naked beauty lying on the covers of the bed with a soft smile on his face, gazing at him with love and desire; his body flushed against the quilt. Alex had to smile.

"Get over here, baby," Hank held out his hand to his lover. Alex smile affectionately before he quickly obeys. He put the chocolate and champagne on the floor next to the bed and let Hank pull him to bed. The brunet pulled his alluring lover closer to him and kissed him softly and leisurely before laying him down among the pillows and slowly discarding him of his clothes. Alex sighed contentedly as he stretched and arched like a cat. Hank took a few seconds to appreciate the sight of his naked blond Eros, because what a damn fine sight it is.

"Darling…” Alex’s voice is full of love and lust.

“Hush” Hank placed a chaste kiss on his lips. “Just relax. Let me take care of you, baby…"

Alex smile and relax. He loved it when Hank took control.

With determination marking in his bright sapphire eyes, Hank began his task at hand to make his lover relax.

“Turn over” the brunet order.

Alex turned to lie on his stomach, and his head resting on his folded arms. The silken sheets felt soft against his bare skin, and the air above cool against his bare back and legs.

Hank move to the chocolate and strawberries in two different glass heart shape bowls he had place beside his side of the bed and took the chocolate bowl up the bed. Hank covered his hand with chocolate before straddling his love’s thighs.

The blonde smelt the sweet scent of the hot, dark chocolate before he felt it drizzle onto his back.

When Alex felt Hank’s cold, smooth fingers brush his back, sliding the chocolate over his warm skin, he almost jumped. A new kind of tension filling the blonde’s body at the electricity of his touch.

The sweet aroma of chocolate slowly permeated the air, it produced euphoric sensation that put Alex mind at ease and lifts his spirit. Hank's hands continued to rub against his back, warming up the liquid and slowly relieving the tension in his muscles. Starting at the nap of the neck, Hank worked his way to Alex’s lower back. He applied gentle pressure along either side of Alex’s spine, using his thumbs. The blond let out a gasp of pleasure. He used two fingers to rub each ridge of the spinal cord under the smooth thick skin. He pressed firmly, making Alex gasp softly and shudder, making it more relaxed. Hank applied more pressure to the muscles, but it wasn't painful. In fact it was anything but. Hank chuckled when a blissful groan escaped his blonde’s throat. The brunet just went on kneading and molding his back muscles until Alex felt like putty in his hands.

The brunet smile and started kneading at his lover’s lower back. By this time, Alex is already so, very aroused. He place one hand on either side of his blond’s spine, and 'pull' the skin with his palms away from the spine. Hank continued to the upper back, being careful not to press on Alex’s shoulder blades.

Hank rub the chocolate on his earlobe before bent down to playfully licks and nips his earlobe, causing the younger man to whimper. Alex can feel his older lover smile at his ear.

Everything Hank did with his hands seemed to bring Alex bliss of one kind or another. They began to knead his shoulders. They felt tight and the brunet used his fingertips to softly press his pressure points to release tension and tickle to let the softness of his touch linger. He smiled as the shoulders loosened and he loved the way Alex let out a contented sigh. Hank kneads the muscular, fleshy areas at the top of Alex’s neck and mid back with the balls of his fingers. He is careful not to use his nails. Alex let out a moan of pleasure that went straight to Hank’s cock. The brunet continues to massage the area some more, enjoying his gorgeous lover response.

Using his thumbs, Hank applied pressure using a circular motion on the hard areas called knot.

“Alex, how much pressure do you prefer?” Hank asked his blond seriously, he doesn’t want to hurt his lover. Knots are very sensitive to pressure and everyone has a pain different tolerance level.

“A little harder” the blond answer. Alex let out a gasp of pleasure as Hank complied. “Keep doing that…”

Hank gently spread more chocolate on his hands to rub it into it. His fingers swept across his lover’s collarbone then upwards to his Adam's apple. Alex let out whimpers and moans of pleasure.

Again Hank moved downwards, this time, to work on Alex’s arms. He loved the way how well formed they were, not too thin but definitely not too buffed too. They were just right. He took placed his hands on the joint where the shoulder began and rubbed it, slowly making his way up to his wrist...and then to his fingers, making sure that each little gap and digit was well soaked before he proceeded to the other arm.

Then, working backwards, Hank suck each one of the blond’s fingers, relishing in the moan Alex let out. It’s so erotic. Hank traced the pads of his blonde’s fingers individually, then down his index into the crevice between his index and his middle, then up his middle. Alex is transfixed by the motions of Hank’s tongue as it trailed around his middle and towards his ring finger. Hank loved how Alex's own taste mingled with the chocolate to form something so damned good. Sweet, but salty-it was just irresistible. Hank proceed to lick all the chocolate from Alex’s hand and back, pausing on Alex's neck to suck on the one spot that he knew drew him nuts, and it did, as he heard Alex’s groan with need. Hank obliged and scraped his teeth across the skin. The blond whimpered in pleasure.

Hank maneuvered him around so he lay with his back to the bed. Hank grins that a certain body part was really indicating positively at the act.

'My, my, someone's happy to see me!' he teased while the blond blushes light pink.

"Ha-" Alex wanted to ask Hank to kiss him, but was silenced by the other man's lips, as if Hank sensed his need, and wanted the same thing. They were kissing, mouthing hungrily. Alex relished in the heavenly taste of dark chocolate mix with the sweet taste that are purely Hank. Their tongue tangle into a beautiful sparring dance.

Hank leans back for some much needed air.

“Wait” Hank went to take the heart shape glass bowl with strawberries from the floor beside his bed. Alex's eyes light up just the tiniest bit at the sight of his favorite fruit.

Hank give a sultry smirked before he took a strawberry and dipped it into the dark chocolate. The brunet licked his lips slowly causing a sticky and glassy liquid to stain his lips. Alex gulped.

Hank bite, chews, swallow, and then lick the red fruit. His pink tongue would emerge the slightest bit from his parted lips and run over the bitten part of the strawberry before it retracted and he took another bite. It tasted amazing. The bright, tangy sweetness of the strawberries is offset by the mellow, deep richness of the chocolate embracing it. The sweet rich chocolate which melted in his mouth then crept painfully slow down his throat. He closed his eyes, inhaled, and moaned. Alex’s eyes widen in lust. He is nearly undone at the sight of Hank's mouth clamped around the large strawberry covered chocolate. He can't help but imagine that same mouth, eventually encased tonight around his own aching cock. He stares dreamily into those dazzling azure eyes as those small, perfectly shape teeth bite down on the ripe, red, fleshy fruit. The scent released into the air with the bite is intoxicating.

Hank smirk turning into a grin. He sighed and reached for another strawberry, aware of the pair of sky blue eyes watching him with barely control lust.

How can Hank make eating strawberry so hot? The sight of Hank eating strawberry is driving him to the point of insanity. Just the way he moaned afterwards. It was just driving him up the wall.

Alex watched his brunet pulled out another strawberry and smile when the chocolate stuck to his fingers. He then slowly licked each finger while keeping eye contact with his lover, making sure that every single drop of chocolate was off his long, slender fingers. It take all of Alex self control not to pounced his love and groan with need instead.

He stared at the way Hank placed his lips around the pointed part of the strawberry and then using his index finger, pushed the remaining part of it into his mouth. He kept his eyes lock with Alex while chewing it…slowly

Alex can’t help but stared and stared at his lover. There is a smear of chocolate on the right side of Hank’s mouth. Hank gave Alex a sultry smile before licking his lips and the blond’s throat dried instantly.

‘God, when the hell had my Hank turn this sexy?’ Usually being sexy and seductive is Alex’s job but Hank had blown him off with this. His lover is being so god damn sexy tonight.

"Want some?" Hank said in a sultry voice.

“Yes, please” Alex begging with need.

Hank pulled out another strawberry, dipped it into chocolate and took it in his teeth. He leaned down as if he were going to give him the strawberry but moved his head so some of the chocolate dripped on to his lover’s chest then he leaned up and gave him the strawberry. Once Alex had the strawberry Hank began to kiss and lick his bare chest and neck free of the chocolate.

"Hank, that feels good," Alex murmured.

This time he let some of the chocolate drip on to his blonde’s neck, chest and nipples. He then handed Alex the strawberry and proceeded to lick his neck, chest, and tease Alex’s nipples while licking up the chocolate.

"Oh, God, Hank," Alex said as he trembled with pleasure. “More” he begged.

Hank chuckle and took another strawberry with his hand this time. Alex opens his mouth, much more eagerly this time and nearly bites off Hank's fingers to catch another morsel of fruit. He licks off the remaining melted chocolate from his love's fingers. Hank feels his really hard cock grow even harder if that is at all possible.

"Mmmmm," Alex murmurs.

"You like it that much, huh?" Hank smirk and his mouth covered Alex’s. His tongue touched his and did not stop until he licked all of the chocolate left in there. Making love with Alex with his tongue. Alex’s breathed heavily.

Hank pulled back with a dreamy look. “It tasted better on your tongue” Hank said before kissing him again. He carefully kissed off the chocolate and strawberry juices on the blonde’s lips moaning slightly as Alex returned the kiss fervently. Hank sucked at his love’s bottom lip, and then the top, trying to get every last bit of chocolate, and then kept kissing the beautiful man beneath him.

Hank sucked Alex’s lower lip into his mouth. He used the tip of his tongue to stroke up and down mere millimeters below it and stimulates the whole male’s lip erogenous zone. It felt as if electric currents are shooting from Alex’s mouth straight to his member and Alex let out a loud moan.

Hank fully slicked his hand with chocolate and began to rub Alex’s neck with it. Hank began to lick and nip at his neck drawing whimpers and moan. Hank dips down and pauses beneath his Adam’s apple and massage the area in wide circular motions with his tongue to excite Alex’s thyroid. It made the blond gurgle Hank’s name in maximum pleasure. Hank smiled at his neck. Alex is not the only one who can attack people erogenous zone. Hank gave the salty skin one last kiss before proceeding to his chest.

Alex let out a soft moan when Hank's rubbed the chocolate against his chest. Hank's hands continued to rub against his chest, warming up the liquid and slowly relieving the tension in his muscles. Hank licked off all the chocolate except Alex nipple and the area near it. Coating his hand with more chocolate, Hank moved back to his blonde’s chest to play with his nipples. He watched as they hardened from his pinching and slightly scratching over the skin, making Alex arch.

While Alex is stretched out on his back, Hank slowly licked in a circle starting outside his areola, circling closer toward his strawberry nipple as you would an ice cream cone. Hank keeps tantalizing him by zeroing in closer with his tongue.

"Hank! St-stop being... such a tease!".

The brunet smile and quickly flick the nipple, then very gently bite it. Alex moaned with need. Hank tongue pressed against the hard nub as he sucked on it and dragged his teeth along it. Alex was groaning loudly, and he grabbed a handful of Hank's hair, trying to push his head downwards with one shaking hand. Hank allowed himself to be forced lower, but he went at a painfully slow pace, trailing kisses along his lover's chest and stomach. He poured more chocolate on his hands before he gently rubbed and massaged Alex’s sides and muscled stomach, feeling his blonde’s skin shiver with delight. Hank proceed to lick it all of the chocolate. Alex’s head is thrown back and he arches against Hank’s talented tongue, hands fisted in the sheets, gripped tight in his knuckles. Alex can’t help but laugh when Hank playfully dipping and twirling his tongue in his belly button. Alex pushed his smiling lover’s head lightly.

Hank moved down to Alex's feet. He covered his hand more chocolate and massaged the foot all over slowly but firmly to loosen it up. Hank make sure that each little gap and digit was well soaked. Hank used both hands to hold on to the spine area with the palm of his hands- his fingers on the top of the foot and his thumbs on the bottom of his lover’s foot. Then the brunet slowly and gently twisted his hands away from each other in order to gently twist the spine area on Alex’s foot. Hank did it, twisting both ways, for about ten to fifteen seconds each way. Hank pressed the fingertip-size pressure point halfway between Alex’s heel and ankle bone and Alex’s moan at the pleasure it give him. Hank gave it a few more pressure making the blonde moan aloud. Hank sucked Alex’s toes and then licked between the younger man's toes. Alex whimpered out loud at the erotic sensation

Hank’s hand came to rest on Alex’s silky hips. He smirked when he didn't reach the one place Alex wanted him to touch, hearing a soft moan of protest; He glanced at his lover and loved what he saw. Alex was already blushing, his silvery blue eyes dark and blown and his lips forming a smirk of content. He only looked slightly annoyed.

"Don't worry, baby...I'll come and massage it later”

Not waiting for a respond, Hank slathered more chocolate onto his legs. They were strong and muscular, pale like the rest of him, lightly hairy with blond hairs. Bending and spreading his legs, he rubbed his thighs and Alex moaned when Hank fiddled with the inner areas where the skin was soft and very sensitive. His kneecaps were next before his calves were given the same gentle treatment. He massaged his ankles, pressing here and there, feeling the tension leave. Hank relished in the small grunts, whimpers and moans coming from his lover. He licks all the chocolates off.

Hank could feel himself hardening at the sight of Alex's face. He was simply magnificent. His blond hair acted as a golden halo, accentuating his handsome face, his silvery blue eyes burning with desire, love and gratitude and his lips no longer smirking but smiling peacefully. Hank straddled his waist again and kissed his palm lovingly when Alex reached up to stroke his cheek.

Hank smiled slyly up at him from where he lay between Alex's bare legs. As he did this he looked back up at Alex and locked eyes with him. They smiled at each other, and for a moment, Hank forgot everything because he was lost in the lust-filled gaze of his boyfriend, the cool blue of his eyes somehow smoldering with a passion that seemed like such a contrast to the color.

And then there was a light touch, fingers dancing gracefully over the skin of Alex’s erection, light enough to make him gasp and arch his back, but not enough to relieve any pressure. Alex groaned as Hank brushed over his entrance, and his hips bucked instinctively.

Hank took more chocolate and let the warm chocolate drizzle over Alex's cock. He proceeds to smooth the rest of the chocolate over Alex's erection.

Alex’s head fell back in a groan. Hank's fingers were trailing up and down him, over and under, teasing around the head and oh, god, it was so warm. The smell reached him and Alex felt his head start to spin. Hank’s had past Alex’s family jewel and he press his knuckles gently into Alex’s perineum. Hank naughtily kneads the prostate gland and bliss his lover out. Not wanting the blond to come yet, Hank gave it only a couple soft strokes before releasing it. Alex groan in protest but then there was something warm pressing against his slit and his hips were lifting of their own accord as Hank slowly trailed his tongue over and around his erection.

Alex couldn't think straight. His cock was surrounded by heat and Hank's tongue was swirling over the tip of his head and it took all of Alex strength not to start bucking into Hank's mouth.

Hank held the base of Alex’s penis with his fingers to steady him. He then brushed his closed yet relaxed lips against his head, rubbing it across his wet mouth as if he was applying lipstick. The brunet opening his lips a bit, rubbing his head between them. Alex moan in ecstasy as the sensation heighten. Occasionally Hank take the whole head in his mouth, then go back to rubbing the tip against his lips causing Alex’s toe to curl in pleasure. Alex felt like he's getting a tighter, wetter version of nooky.

Everything was hot and warm and smelled like chocolate and then there was a pressure at his entrance and a long, thin finger, slick with chocolate was slowly being inserted. Hank was teasing him, pressing that one finger in and out slowly as he bobbed his head over his cock to the same rhythm, hollowing his cheeks and sucking. And then there was another finger and they both reached deeper than before, stroking against just the right spot and that's when he lost it, crying out Hank's name and fisting the sheets on either side of him as his boyfriend swallowed diligently.

The finger was added by another one, stretching the blonde and scissoring within him, sliding in and out easily with the chocolate acting as the perfect lubricant. Alex's hips pushed down, fucking himself on Hank's twisting fingers. Alex found himself gasping for air as his lover hit a spot that caused him to moan loudly. Hank hit the same spot again and again making white hot pleasure washed over Alex

"Hank, please…" Alex begged. Even though he already came, he is still hard. Hank pulled out his fingers and scooped up as much of the thick chocolate as possible. His dick is completely flushed, full and erect with precome that dribbled furiously down the thick shaft. Hank liberally coated his dick with the thick liquid. Alex can’t stop staring at his lover, he felt like everything just froze in anticipation of the next moment, his breathing, heartbeat, and everything just seemed to stop.

Hank slid his length root-deep within his lover, moaning at the exquisite warmth and tightness and held himself still, waiting for Alex to adjust, hands gripping the silk underneath them. Every time they did this, Hank couldn’t help but feel like he was coming home. Their bodies were like Ying and Yang, two halves that make a whole. Hank licked at the pale neck and Alex rolled his eyes, murmuring softly.

"All…right?" Hank choked as Alex suddenly wriggled his ass, clenching his internal muscles around his cock. "Shit! I guess you must be."

"Move Hank…please!"

Hank didn't need to be told twice. With a possessive growl, Hank pulled back nearly completely out before slamming back in, angling his thrusts so it forcefully pounded against…that…sweet…spot. Alex clenched his eyes closed, lifting his hips to meet every bruising push, whimpering in pleasure at the intense feel of Hank's hard length pushing in and out of him, filling him so deeply, the rhythm brutal.

"Fuck, Hank…so good…” Alex sobbed, twisting the silk in his hands.

Hank moaned. Alex wrapped his legs around Hank's waist, rocking in abandon as his hands gripped the brunette locks, murmuring in pleasure, pulling Hank's head down for a furious kiss.

Alex gasped against Hank's mouth, the sudden pressure of Hank's hand around his flesh causing a shock to go through him, every stroke matching each thrust. "God…faster…Hank…"

"So tight…” Hank ground out, teeth gritting in exertion as he circled his hips, cock brushing every inch of his lover, reveling in the clenching muscles surrounding his throbbing member. Ah…so close…

A burning fire was starting low on Alex's belly, spreading outward in a wild spiral, scorching each nerve in his body, balls tightening as his release prepared to tear through him.


At hearing those words, Hank nudged Alex's prostrate once more, the hand on his lover's cock leaving to dip lower and steal some of the chocolate that pooled there.

"Open your eyes, baby," Hank ordered desperately, feeling his own orgasm starting within him, causing his body to shiver in anticipation. Alex moaned and managed to pry open his sky blue eyes, only to nearly clench them shut again as Hank lifted his chocolate and precome slathered fingers to his mouth and sucked on them greedily."Come for me, now."

Alex screamed, expletives leaving his mouth as he came hard and fast, cock pulsing in time with his overwhelming release. His eyes rolled back as the pleasure pounded into him, heart thudding erratically within his chest.

The sight of Alex's orgasm was the final thing to push Hank over the edge and with a hoarse shout he came inside his lover, falling heavily over Alex's quivering form as aftershocks rocked through them, the balcony resounding with their cries and heavy wheezing.

Long minutes later, their breathing even and the post-coital high lowered slightly, the two young men curled into each other's arms, reveling in the feel of the other's body pressed tenderly, at each warm breath that ghosted over their skin. Alex sighed and snuggled closer to his lover, hands rubbing circles on his chest. Hank's fingers carded through the sweaty blonde hair, smoothing it back from the beautiful face and kissed one cheek gently.

Their eyes met and melted at the satisfaction and contentment glowing in oceanic blue and sky blue. They didn't need any words to express their physical gratification, using instead loving touches and feathery kisses to convey the message across clearly.

Their legs tangled together and Hank's free hand reached down to grasp the edge of the silk blanket, pulling it over their naked bodies.

Alex purred and sighed, his breath puffing across Hank's furry chest. Hank brushed a gentle hand over his head, combing his hair.

"Alex..." a pause ensued. The blond look up at his lover’s face at the amount of seriousness in his tone. Hank felt his heart beat a bit faster, blood rising to his face, he had to do this. It is now or never.

"Alex…I love you so much…" Hank looked into the depth of Alex’s beautiful eyes as he said those words of love.

Alex was silence. He had heard those words countless of time but this is the first time he had ever see Hank look that serious. Not even when he stands up to his father for their relationship when Hank father try to convince Hank that his genius, totally perfect son deserve way better than Alex can ever give him.

“You're the most amazing man I have ever, ever met. You gave me courage, strength and above all, love. We've been together for five years and I couldn’t be happier, I had never been happier. Every day is like a bliss"

"Alex, I'm madly in love with you. You're the first thing I think about in the morning and the last thing I think about at night. You also occupy my mind between those two moments, when I'm awake and in my dreams. I can't imagine a life without you; I would rather die than go on…"

“Hank” Alex’s eyes glazed over and he smile the smile of pure happiness.

Slowly Hank took a deep breath "I want to make up each morning and think to myself 'This is my husband, and he's all mine.' I want to be able to proudly proclaim that yes, we are married. I want to adopt children with you and grow old with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I've been trying to do this for the past month and half, and I've wanted to do it ever since we first started dating. So I'm just going to say it now and hope for the best. Alexander Christopher Summer, my best friend, boyfriend, lover and soul mate. Will you marry me?"

There was a horrible beat of silence, before Alex was grinning and laughing and kissing Hank enthusiastically. Their tongues rubbing each other and exchanging strings of saliva. His heart felt like bursting as he pulled his lover close to him as they continued their seductive dance. This is the most intimate kiss they ever had. They both breathing hard when they broke the kiss

"Yes. Of course. I love you Hank and I don't ever want to be with anyone else…" what the blonde going to say next is cut off as Hank was kissing Alex too. They were both laughing and just holding each other. It could have been minutes, hours, months, even years before they finally broke apart. Hank reached under his pillow and pulled out the small, blue, velvet box which contained a silver ring with five, small diamonds all next to each other. He slipped it onto Alex's finger, and once again they were kissing. Except this time it was different, this time they were fiancées, this time they were taking the first step into the rest of their lives.

Alex smile, tracing Hank's lips with his fingers. He repeated the words that he so loved to hear, hugging his beautiful lover tightly to him.

"I love you."

A soft smile on his face, Hank's eyes began to close…

“You know. Hank. I never thought you would beat me to the punch”

Hank’s eyes shot open at that. There’s something in the blonde’s voice that Hank knew too well. It is the same tone Alex used when he had a surprise up his sleeve.

He looked at his blond with a questioning gaze. Alex smiled his blinding grin and disentangled himself from Hank much to the brunette displeasure. Alex reached down to the floor near his side of the bed and took the heart shape chocolate box. Hank stared at him in anticipation.

Alex gave Hank the heart shape chocolate box. Hank quickly opened it, doesn’t know what to expect. Hank stared at the content inside in surprise happiness. He should have guess as much from his amazing lover. They are 6 gourmet chocolate truffles inside. There should be seven truffles but Alex had taken out the middle chocolate and replaced it with a wedding ring. Hank put the box on his lap and his hand slowly and carefully took the ring. He stared intensely at it and taking everything in. The wedding band look like plain gold and was sleekly designed with a low-dome shape. At the bottom of the circle there was an inscription engraved in red:

"AS+HM= forever"

‘It is perfect’ Hank thought as his face glowing with happiness.

Alex was overjoyed to see his reaction. The ring wasn’t nearly as expensive as the one Hank bought for him. Alex took the ring while his other hand hold Hank’s wrist delicately and slipped it to his finger with a smile.

“It looked perfect on you”

Hank stared and stared at the ring in his finger with deep happiness.

“You know” Alex voice brought Hank back to him. “We should eat them. I know you love truffle. I also bought chocolate red wine”

Hank smile grew bigger if it was possible. How he loved this man, he is full of surprises.

The gourmet truffles are really delicious made with the best chocolate, pure cocoa butter, real butter, natural flavoring and the highest quality cream. The deep, rich, complex chocolate flavors create an impressive assortment of dark, milk, and white chocolate delicacies made Hank’s heart soar.

Then they fed each other chocolate covered strawberries and sipped the chocolate red wine. . The wine is ripe with cherry fruit flavors with a touch of oak on the finish and mix with dark chocolate. Hank savors the sensation of melting chocolate and wine as they mingle in his mouth and moan appreciatively.

They stared at each other for a few seconds, just holding onto each other's gaze, before bringing their lips together in a soft, gentle kiss that tasted like chocolate and wine. They lay down side by side, languidly pressing kisses against each other's lips. They fall asleep snuggle against each other.

Tomorrow morning, they will think back on what a perfect night it has been. Hank had give Alex a sensual massage, they have made love under the stars, and then fed each other chocolate covered strawberries, eat truffle and sipped champagne.

feeding kink, livejournal, nc 17 slash, nc17 slash, food kink

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