Words are Inadequate

Oct 10, 2010 00:28

(But you know me, I'll write 500 miles words or more *around* it anyway...)

I absolutely MUST commit to memory some of the tingling awe-inspiring perfection of this day. Let me begin, by telling you that, as I tap away on these keys, I am also sipping the most utterly divine addition to my happy palate pantry: Samuel Smith's Organic Raspberry Beer is rightly praised for it's "exuberant flavors of perfectly ripe raspberries melding beautifully with handmade English ale."

And now... to capture the faintest glimmer of the campfire in my heart, the embers of love that fuel and reignite me like the most mystically powered furnace. I Feel Like Myself Again.

(I really DID warn you about the gushing prose. Today is: Made. Of Win.)

Yes, we are STILL recovering from illness. Yes, it has been horrific how violent the coughing has been (I really did feel like I cracked a rib.) Yes "better" is SO not All Better. And yet, Morgan and I, and our boychild, have had a Perfect Day.

We connected so deeply, so joyfully. We laughed like first love. We ran amok on adventures. We went to Disneyland (aka the stunningly fabulous nye-on football-field sized El Sea at Summerhill.)

Ahh, no, let me backtrack. The dice boys came last night (as usual... though illness and other distractions had us off a while) and it was an atypically intimate group of four + sidekick. [ie chatty excitable boychild, 3 Dice Boyz, and me - to borrow Moby's crass phrase - heating up the room.]

It was really cool to catch up on school work and tap away on the keys (and I confess, stroll around on Facebook more than I EVER have time too!) while wiggling into the odd delectable moment of side talk. It was AMAZING to catch up and really spend some richly good Quality Time together.

We enjoyed the sinfully divine taste sensations of a variety of exceptional beers and ciders, discussed Cabbages and Kings Samurai [L5R night], shared the joys of Lee's new mantle of Parenthood ~{dun-dun-dahhhhhhhh}~ and caught up in all sorts of pleasant ways. A great evening. Really.

Today started waaaaaaaay too early, given how LATE yesterday stopped. (And yet, I'm *still* vibrantly awake, running on pure bliss and momentum. Kinda like the Olde Days, actually. Hunh.)

We went to bed at 4. Josh ended up crashing in Kyla's room. Lee had to leave earlier so he could be fit to teach kids, first thing.

Aaaaand [ahem] TMI alert:

(We didn't *exactly* go to SLEEP at four...)

I started the morning with a Fish wake up BEFORE SEVEN as is his tendency of late (like, the 6:38 kind of Before Seven = ouch!)

I got him settled onto the couch and caught a *few* more winks before he came back with the customary "is it daytime yet?" (ie, AFTER SEVEN!!!) And, yes, it was after 7. Just. I settled him in with Saturday Morning Cartoons, like all "good" (er, sleepy?) Mommies do. But it wasn't long before I was needed again, and nestled into the couch ::With Blankie:: and became the platform for his newest Lego dude debacle, and not long later became the text writer (inking only - idea's belong to the author) for his newest Manga. (Read from the Right.)

When the others >finally< stirred (at a MUCH more reasonable hour!) we resumed discussions of brunch (a long missed luxury) and prepped to go (blessed be the Gods of hot showers - especially when sleep is not what's keeping you upright!) unfortunately, as one of our key cast members hooked up with his comrade for the day's activities, and were intending to join us at Sadie's, misaligned energy levels/illness/the-to-do-list foiled our cunning plan.

Fear not, our protagonists were not fated for defeat this day! [in ANY way]

We jaunted on down to the Gaybreak Cafe for the biggest manly-est breakfast. They're always so amazing there - and shockingly consistent with how good they are with KIDS!! (Gotta love that.) After starting with MUCH needed cofffee and OJ, the boys both had turkey bacon and scrambled eggs, but I was good to go with the sunny eggs and Sausage-Fest - with a side of extra meat (farmer's sausage AND bacon... let's hear it once again for "The Power of And"!) We also had killer-good egg loaf for toast. The menu makes no mention what-so-ever of the heaping serving of hash browns AND pancakes (we *should* have remembered that!) Everyone was ravenous after last night, and our appetites were well sated today. (Well, mostly...) Bradon even had an EXTRA pancake from my plate (I was too busy gorging on the meaty action.)

After all that indulgence, it was time for some slothing in front of a movie. For Grown ups only. (A $5 whim-buy after yesterday's perfect afternoon) that actually turned out to be FABULOUS! ...no really, it's a witty, fun, sexy, !Chick Flick! with a razor sharp edge. Loved it. (New happy girl favourite. Srsly.)

Next: Our Intrepid Heroes moved on to the treasure hunt phase of their adventure. We foraged in the expansive dungeon of the Evil Double-You Place for a new bag of holding for our halfling rogue. (He also got a turquoise pencil case! ...it's his favourite colour.) AND he found the PERFECT gun for his Hell-Boy Halloween costume. It's actually a Boba Fett light-up laser gun thing with scope and EVERYthing!!

Then... we got him a Gold Medal Ribbon milkshake.

With his spoils of battle thoroughly sorted, we were free to drive on back to Disneyland for more grown up treats. We had the most stellar, top-notch fantastic service. [gush much???] Because they *didn't* have another bottle of the mind-blowing Raspberry Ale (even though Josh picked one up THERE - yesterday!!!) and we were gushing and blathering and deeply engaged in cheerful chatter, while filling up our loot bag like trick-or-treaters, and they LOOKED IT UP and found it (we could't even recall the name... so imagine the BANTER!) at another store, across the city (at Jane and Dundas West, if'n you're taking notes) where they have a Hundred Bottles in stock! (Heaven. I'm telling you. You *must* try it. y'know if you like thatsortofthing.) Bradon all the while is wielding his new weapon in fine form. (What a guy!)

So we high tailed it over there, racing the clock to be back home in time for hockey and Bradon's tv movie. Bradon taking "shotgun" and shooting all over the place the whole time (cars - not people!) and at one point "shot" a CAR that two people sitting in the front seat. Laughing. Their. Asses. Off. (I actually had'em roll down the window and told them The Rule - and they high fived him and laughed more, praising his loop-hole.)

We got home. I cooked lazy yum. The boys set up their shows. (I took more Rx) And then B-man invited me to watch his ?Babysitter/Vampire? movie, which turned out to be a riot.

And now, here I sit, trying to campture the fainest glimmer of how amazing I FEEL today. (In spite of the acky coughing.) I really REALLY have the Old Me back. The vibrant happy joyful (this candle burns from two ends) girl, who can bend physics and thrive on three hours of sleep and feel so ALIVE.

Who knows how I'll feel in the morning. (Or how much rest I'll need.) But this ain't no Pollyanna post. This is real Gen-YOU-ine me. Full frontal Flavour.

I'm back.

I'm growing. My life is changing in fabulous ways, and the things I've always loved are still there, and the things I've strived for are really REALLY Real now. They happening. I'm HERE. In the centre of the Labyrinth. I have arrived.

And I am *so* looking forward to the twisted nuance filled journey back out again.

Thank you.

Thank to all of you who actually took the Substantial Time to come this far with me. Thank you, Universe for believing in me and helping me get to this place that is no place. And, most delightfully, THANK YOU to the Dread Pirate Em: you were SO right (not quite to the day) when you read my anxious, wibbling, not-quite-there-yet.. but OH So Close Post and said:

"You'll read this entry in a month and be all like, whatever bitchez. I bet you any money ;)"

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