Catholic and Pro-Choice

Aug 01, 2012 23:52

  Very recently, while on a highway trek across the country to see relatives in Oklahoma and Missouri, I saw a bumper sticker that stirred various reactions and emotions within me. At first I was confused. Then I felt insulted. Immediately following that I became profoundly argumentative and deeply desired to have a long and serious conversation with the owner of that bumper sticker.

The bumper sticker read, "You Can't be Pro-Choice and Catholic".

Since I could not debate the issue with this person via rolled-down windows of vehicles travelling well over the posted speed-limit of 70 mph, I settled for thought, and writing those thoughts here.

To begin, I suppose that I should divulge to you that I am a baptised Roman Catholic. And I am Pro-choice. I know my stance is confusing to some, but my belief is not without support, and I will not leave you without explanation.

I personally believe that life begins at conception, not at birth. This is because there is prenatal life - fetuses move, grow, develop, and feel, like any other living organism. I admit that I would only ever consider an abortion personally under extreme circumstances, such as proven impending threat to my life, or if prenatal tests showed that my child would have an agonizing life due to some terrible ailment. This is because I ardently believe that God gave us the wisdom and curiosity that led us to modern medicine because he wanted us to stamp out as much pain and suffering as we could. However, I accept that it is not my place to force my thoughts, beliefs, or opinion, much less my religion onto other women.

I will not encourage a woman to have an abortion, but I will support her in her decision because it is exactly that - her decision. I don't think any man, or woman for that matter, has the right to tell me what I can do with my body.

That's my bit. Thoughts expressed.

modern, women, medicine, tolerance, abortion, pro-life, together, pro-choice, catholic

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