Just me and my Martinelli's!

Nov 25, 2005 21:13

I had a nice little Thanksgiving vacation, though I would dare say that it ended too soon. Though, I can be thankful that I got to go home and that I don't have to be on-call over Spring Break because I took these two days :)! Hurray!

Anyway, the past few days were amazing! Britt and I went down to Phoenix on Tuesday afternoon and made it alive in spite of all the traffic! Rus picked me up and we ran some errands and ate a very lovely dinner of yum, yum, yummy Mexican food! Then we contemplated seeing a movie, but there really wasn't anything I was excited about (except Walk the Line, but I told Britt we'd see it after the weekend). SO!!! instead, we grabbed some sleeping bags from his house and just drove and drove and drove far out into the desert. We curled up in the back of his truck under the beautiful stars that the Phoenician lights hide so well, and we just talked for hours. We both ended up falling asleep and it was the most amazing evening ever. So much more to the story, but you get the point!

Wednesday I just hung around the house vegging on X-Files until my mom got off work, and then we went out. It was good to see her :) Becca came over too and with her new hairdo. Oh the advantages of working in a salon! :P Then I headed back to my dad's to chill with him for a few hours before he had to go to bed.

Thursday!!! SO MUCH FOOD! My stepmom made (and this is all VEGAN!): Tofurky, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, biscuits, and pumpkin pie! She rocks :) I went over to her parents for a couple of hours and got to see the new baby, Andrew! He's adorable, and Leah is just as cute as ever too! Then I went to my mom's family's dinner out in north Snottsdale and MORE babies! I really think that Addison is just the happiest and sweetest kid ever! My cousin Holly has children with the greatest dispositions! LOVE THEM! Then I went out bowling with Becca and our cousins. It was a really long, but great day :)

Friday means back to work...but it was all worth it for those three amazing days! I do miss Rus though and can't wait until he's back from Colorado! (5 more days!) :) I miss all of you kids that aren't at school too! It's quiet around here without you (except in 2D and 1C!) Hurry home!
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