Jun 16, 2005 01:45
OK so today ruled. daniel and i were in a great mood, i was just so relaxed and easy going. we had chex mix for lunch hah! i go to the bank and deposit 1,099 bucks. so all together i have 1,795. hell yes? YEAH. we go to the mall and i look for bathing suits. i hate them all. daniel was nice enough to help lol. we go to krogers and i go to coinstar, we sit in the parking lot listening to alol and decided to skip church and to get will. i get gas, pee at walmart, and get pudding pops at food lion. we go get bill from cancuns. i see a bunch of people i dont know except charles. i give him a hug. we leave and go to the park!!! i had fun. we swing and take pictures and act stupid. we go to walmart to get cream soda and some other junk. we go to wills and make this rap song....i just laugh in it. i was laying on will's bed and my hand was off the bed. daniel leans back in this wooden chair and smashes my middle finger. i cry haha. it hurts so bad to type right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its swollen. woohoo. i leave, come home, and now i am packing and talking to ronnie. i want to visit all them down there soon. its probably not going to happen haah. uggggg i know where i am getting my tattoos done now. i was hoping to see someone before i leave but i guess that wont happen. pretty much sucks. laters
maybe pictures tomorrow, i dont feel like doing them.