Dec 07, 2005 20:56
I really should do work at some point in my life. But I have no motivation. Due dates are too far away. I've got a 15 page paper due Monday on a topic that I still have not determined yet. I think I'm going to analyze news coverage during the 2000 Presidential Election and then apply it to the 2004 Presidential Election. And I'll title the paper something like: Gore vs. Kerry - Who Did the Conservative Media Like More? And with that title, I'll get an A+. Because I've gotten nothing lower than a 100 in that class on anything. Then I've got a 8-10 page Race paper. I'm writing it about black males in the ghetto and how if they want to get out, they have to assimilate into white culture, but will lose any respect and may treated badly because they aren't "black" enough. And then I'm going to relate it to Marx. Oh, I love Karl.
Then I have a Social Work final, which, from the looks of the study guide, will be more difficult than the midterm. Then I have a World Politics final. Which will be easier than the 2 other tests because it's only worth 75 points, not 100. And it's on Post Modernism and neomarxism, which is way easier than Liberalism and Realism.
I hope my little is at school tomorrow. I'll be really sad if she's sick again. I'm going to go Christmas shopping after. Not really though, because I'm not buying Taunton presents until later. And I'm done with my mom and dad and sister. My sister and I bought each other scarves and I got her matching gloves. In the same store. At the same time. It was pretty funny. But I mean, how could you beat a scarf from NY & Co. for $10? I'm kind of obsessed with scarves. I can't wait for Christmas so I can get all my scarves. I think I'd be happy with a collection of scarves.
I'm going to get a digital camera for my day of birth from my mommy and daddy. I'm going to be like the cool kids, finally... Actually, I'm way cooler than the cool kids, because um, I'm awesomer. Also, I have a 3rd generation iPod and Dr. Martens. That gives me street cred... i'm wearing my dr martens cuz i'm always down for kickin...
There's a boy that works at the record store here that looks like Conor. No, he doesn't just look like Conor. He is Conor. NH Conor. So instead of corn he likes... I dunno, NH has got nothin. Oh, I got it. Instead of corn, he likes tolls on the highway.
Neutral Milk Hotel is a very good band. I don't listen to Dashboard that much anymore, but I still like to look at Chris on my wall. He's one attractive man. I need to download Ashlee's new album. I've liked what I've heard courtesy of Lisa Riva.
Speaking of Lisa Riva, I get to see her nine days. And I get to see Amanda Alicia in nine minus one days. And, lastly, I get to see Amanda Leigh in nine days. I think we're all pretty pumped about the last one, especially.
I'm in debt. And I don't mean college debt. I mean the kind where you spend more than you earn. My checking account is now in the thirty dollars and my credit card bill is in the two hundreds. This does not stress me out very much though, because I know Manny's Hardware will correct this, since I told him "as many hours as you can give me." So, it was nice to know you all my friends, I'll be selling hammers for 12 hours a day from December 20 to January 13. Imagine how much money I would make if I worked 12 hours a day 6 days a week? I think I'd roll in the piles of money. I'd use twenty dollar bills for kindling in my fire place. But first, I would have to build a fire place in my house. That would cost some bucks... Or maybe I could just pay for books next semester.
So, everytime I put my iPod on shuffle, I remember how funny Anti-Flag is. They're obviously not that talented as musicians, and everyone I've ever met that thinks like them, I've hated, but I really love them. Their lyrics are amazing. Especially when they compare the police and government to Hitler and the Third Reich. Oh, and writing about how the CIA is watching them, and comparing Clinton to Hussein. Then there's the whole anti-Bush thing, which inspired NOFX to become POLITICAL. It's amazing. And there are kids who take these lyrics literally. Which is scary. I would like to ask Anti-Flag what their problem is with sweatshops and child labor and the WTO and environmental degradation. I kind of like globalization. You know why? Because I'm an American and I get to exploit!!!! And then there's the Dead Kennedys rip off with the Kill the Rich. And the making fun of the Sex Pistols. And THEN there's Justin Sane's solo career, which just DELIGHTS me to no end because it's probably the WORST album I own. I'm serious, WORST. Like, worse than Sum 41 or Simple Plan ever tried to be, but I love it more than life itself.
I'm so excited for break. It's going to be a-w-e-s-o-m-e AWESOME.
Oh dudes, Maury today was amazing. A girl came on with three children. The oldest was three, and she picked 2 guys she was 100% sure it was fathered by. But she was wrong. Neither of them were the father. Then the 2 year old, she found the father to that one in ONE TRY. But then there was the one year old which was fathered by either the 2 year old's father or one of the guys that was wrong for the three year old. It happened to be one of the guys fathered by the three year old. Maury is the best show on television. WAIT, second best, Starting Over is first. One of the woman is "learning to drop the hustle." Then there's the one that acts like a 5 year old. Allison is STILL FUCKING ON. And one who had a mom that was on one of the planes in 9/11. Then one that has like 403409224028209483 tumors and weighs that many pounds because of them. Then there's one with ADHD who is probably the most annoying person in the world.
Ok, I'm done.