The Blues

Feb 10, 2019 13:20

I must say, I'm feeling a little depressed. It's not serious, but, between work disgruntlements and lack of any sort of life outside of work, life seems bleak. Life seems like something that will never get better. Perhaps better enough is the actual way to put it. I'm just stuck, at not quite there, and it's really too late to make a difference.

It's also dead of winter. That's never good.

I'm still arguing with my union representative. It's bad enough that a worker would have to argue with his employer to get treated fairly, but having to fight with my own union to get them to deal with things is just ridiculous and annoying.

I put my money where my mouth is and applied for a new job today. Now, nothing will likely come of this, but I'm doing it.

I want to mention the application process was magic. You upload your resume, and the system parses it and puts everything into a completely different online format. It did this almost perfectly without me having to edit much of anything. I was impressed.

I'm also leery. I happen to like my job. For all my complaining, the actual work I do, and functions I perform are enjoyable. I don't want to have to leave. On the other hand, I deserve more when it comes to compensation, and experience tells me that's not going to be a thing with my current employer. The move from part time to full time screwing me over has left a very bad taste in my mouth. I'm bitter.

What have I binged you ask? Well, let me tell you!

NightFlyers. I just barely got through this one. The way the characters behaved was just so unbelievable that I could barely stand it even though it was science fiction which allows any show an automatic pass on some failings when it comes to my willingness to view something. People just don't act like that. Stop bringing the ridiculous just to up the interpersonal drama!

Russian Doll - This one went the other way. Initially, I was turned off by how... umm... "New York" it was. Then, as it went on, I really got into it, and easily pushed that aside, and just enjoyed the characters, and what the fuck was going on.

Upgrade - Ok this is just a movie. Typical action fare with a little bit of trying to say something about society like a good science fiction should. Therefore it earns one notch above typical.
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