Title: I'm on your trail...
Characters: Akanishi Jin
Location: Fresh Kills Park, and beyoooond
Date/Month: Tuesday, November 8th / 8:00p.m. to --
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None unless wolves freak you out...
Weekdays were incredibly boring. There was no doubt about that. Of course, after giving up one of his closest friends to a family with a daughter who just screamed, "I'll turn this little boy into a princess!", Jin had gritted his teeth, choked back a growl and let them walk out. He had to. If he never sold anything, he'd probably be fired. So far, this definitely beat every other job he'd had. There had only been one instance when someone came in that made him bristle, and it was a moment he was pretty sure everyone would rather forget.
So, he walked, to the park. Nope, not the big one. The one a little further off the trail. The one with less runners. Jin was undoubtedly out of shape. How he used to wander for miles following his parents, he'll never know. It was probably just a pup's natural energy. That was definitely something he was lacking. No one ate normal food in the city. What was cheap was undoubtedly not healthy. Yet, it was cheap, and damn some of it was pretty good.
Once near the trees, he changed. He much preferred his fur to his coat and jeans. It was never anything glamorous, and it was over within a couple seconds. He never understood how those naked humans didn't freeze to death. He was a wolf. He was naturally hotter than the average person. If he got cold, he could only imagine. Shaking out his fur, he let out a short grunt, ears swiveling as he listened. Not many people about, but that was alright. He'd just have a run through the grass then head back into the city if it came down to it. Walking home was always more fun with four legs rather than two, plus, if he could find someone wandering around alone, even more fun could be had.
((Jin doesn't have a tag, I think? If I did this wrong let me know @@))