Hello and a fic-round up post

Mar 24, 2013 10:59

*waves* Hello! I was introduced to Being Human about 6 months ago and confess to having become a bit obsessed. ^_^ I've written several stories for it, spanning over both both casts. Since I found this comm, I thought I might share. ^_^ Enjoy?

Title: In Search of Paradise Lost
Fandom: Being Human (UK)
Pairing: George/Mitchell, George/Mitchell/Annie
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,019
Warnings: Slash. Rough sex. Angst. Spoilers through the Season 2 finale.

Disclaimer: Being Human does not belong to me. It belongs to Toby Whitehouse and all the other writers, producers, etc., who work with him. No harm was meant. I'm just playing with these guys, I'll put them back where I found them when I'm done... more or less intact. ^_~

Summary: George was quiet, now -- quiet and hard and cruel. There was nothing gentle left in him, anymore -- not for Mitchell, anyway. He saved his tenderness, now -- hoarded it jealously -- saving it all for Nina... and for the memory of Annie. For Mitchell, it was only ever this -- hard, fast, cruel... unforgiving.

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Title: Coping Mechanism
Fandom: Being Human (UK)
Pairing: Gen, hints of Hal/Tom, Hal/Annie, Hal/Annie/Tom, if you chose to read it that way. ^_^
Rating: G
Warnings: Angst. Takes place in Series 4, kind of ignoring most of the major series plot.

Summary: Routines. Precision. Focus. An obsessive attention to detail. A tightrope balancing act of care and dedication. These were the things that kept Hal clean, that held his bloodlust in check, that kept him from being a danger to every living thing around him, including himself. The days were long gone when he could live his life with any sort of freedom, when he could relax into his days and laugh with a friend... when he could lower his guard and let someone else take the reins from him for a time. There had been Leo and Pearl, once... but they were gone, now. Now, it was only Hal.

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Control (1119 words) by Renee-chan
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Being Human (UK)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Tom MacNair/Hal Yorke
Characters: Hal Yorke, Tom MacNair, Alex Hillar
Additional Tags: Wordcount: 1.000-5.000, Mild Kink, Light Bondage, Impulse Control, Handcuffs, Friends to Lovers


A short gasp, quickly stifled.

An answering pat. A softly whispered, "Shush, now. That's the way."

Another gasp, followed quickly on by a strangled whimper.

A soft, soothing stroke along a quivering flank. A murmured reassurance, "Easy, there. You can do it, mate. Breathe."

A head shake. "No. I can't. I can't. Tom--!"

More firmly this time, "You can. Control, remember? Breathe."

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Sometimes We All Prefer the Lie (1372 words) by Renee-chan
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Being Human (UK), Being Human
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: John Mitchell/Annie Sawyer
Characters: John Mitchell
Additional Tags: Angst, Wordcount: 1.000-3.000, Season/Series 03, Bad Decisions, Fate, Communication Failure, Dysfunctional Family

Mitchell dreamed of blood, now... all the time. Rivers of it... oceans. He drowned in it, every night, glutted and starved as it flowed over and around him, poured down his throat, bathed his skin, clogged his every pore and choked off his breath. All the things he'd done in his long, squalid life, and this one thing refused to leave him, haunted him as nothing else had ever done.

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More to come, I'm sure. ^_~

gen, series 4, fluff, character: annie, character: george, no pairing, mitchell/annie, fanfiction, fanfic, series 2, character: tom, character: alex, mitchell/george, rating: g, angst, character: mitchell, character: hal, friendship, tom/hal, m/m, rated nc-17

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