learning stuff, loving everything - fuck words

Mar 18, 2010 10:37



what was blocked in boro
is now open in amsterdam
allowed to fly

yeah - it's made a difference already being here in the kind of environment which is wildly stimulating and feels beautifully free ~ suiting me nicely ;) - somewhere i can happily walk and cycle around... stuff to see... stuff to do... any time day or night

is brilliant

even the simple act of the Dutch not censoring the fuck words on music videos shown during the day is a blessed relief

there's just been one on telly and altho' i'm not exactly sure i like it as a tune, it's gotta go down as one of the most bizarre and memorable videos i've ever seen....

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most odd

mind you, the real bizarreness is how in Britain and The States, especially, really fantastic words like fuck are such a big deal - same with showing naked boobies... or nakedness in general, really

what's the problem with it?

who does it hurt?

i guess the important thing is to question our indoctrination

all these beliefs and attitudes we have inside (without thinking) which were all instilled/programmed into us when we were kids with immensely fertile minds like sponges

just a case of keeping yer eye on your thinking and removing the nonesense prejudices and all this phoney being offended or led by what society deems as being bad or sad, what's frowned upon and what is deemed good and wholesome and healthy and normal etc

but ja... i won't ramble on about that anymore, i fancy doing it physically rather than mentally right now, so am buggering off for an amble



hope all's well & glowing with you

x geoff

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