Dear Lord you guys, I got tagged three times to do this meme. I mean, secretly I'm kind of pleased, but. Three times. So I guess I'm going to do it now SINCE OBVIOUSLY MY OPINIONS ARE IN HIGH DEMAND oh who am I kidding I've always known that.
If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own lj and replace any question that you dislike with a new question.
Tag eleven people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.
What song are you currently addicted to?
"Sometimes," by Seabird, according to my itunes play count. Not that I trust my itunes play count, BUT I do rather fancy this song. Maybe we'll fall before we take flight. Maybe you're all I've got to lose. They say it's grey. but we see it white - and if I'm lost, thank God I'm lost with you. It's sweet without being obnoxious and also an actually good song. The song I keep singing lately is "Galveston" by House of Heroes but it's just a bit of catchy silliness, I don't know if it counts as an addiction.
What's your favorite season?
See, I'm not sure. I've always loved summer because I like heat and I like free time and getting to decide what to read and who to see and how long to spend goofing off on the internet. Also, growing up in Texas, I spent like every day in the summer in my grandmother's swimming pool, and that was the best. But I'm also totally into school, so I like spring and fall for that. Of the two spring is probably my favorite, just because I prefer the warming up to the cooling down, weather-wise. But...I don't know, I'm not someone who has a really clear favorite season. I enjoy them all. The last couple of years did kind of squash my enthusiasm for winter, because of inordinate amounts of snow, so maybe winter is currently my least favorite.
What's the latest movie you watched?
Um, I fell asleep watching Get Smart last night? I really like that movie actually, but it was 1 AM and a lame college student. I watched fifteen minutes of The Hangover a few nights ago and laughed like half of a time so I left (and let the record show I KNEW I would HATE that movie but I was forced to give it a chance). Oh! I watched all of Night at the Museum 2 on TV on...Monday. It was still funny but not as good as it initially was in theaters. It happens.
What is the one skill you wish you had?
Discipline. In writing, specifically. I love to write, I feel that I'm pretty good, and I am quite certain that I could do it all the time, nonstop, enough to write all those YA books I have planned and manage to crank out some fanfic. I could do it, but I do not. I'm kind of lazy. But that does get a lot better when I'm in school; I've already been more productive this week on the original fiction front than I was for most of the summer. So we'll see! Other than that I would kind of like to be able to paint, but I do not want to learn to paint. Like I don't want to take the time for classes and practice and the first bunch of really bad pictures, but if I could just suddenly have the talent, that would be really cool.
What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
I'm actually not really the kind of person who obsesses over things. I dunno, there are some shows I kind of casually enjoy, and some actors I can acknowledge are pretty good, but...I don't feel like I can call any of them, or anything at all, a real fandom/obsession.
What's your favorite board game?
Scrabble. Also I love Bananagrams, which if you've never played you should try. It's...basically a lot like Scrabble. Oh I also like Boggle a lot! And Balderdash!
...I have a serious lust for words and spelling and grammar and definitions and...Englishy things...and it's not a problem I COULD QUIT ANY TIME.
What web sites do you always visit when you go online?
Livejournal (
then_theres_us, my
flist), facebook, yahoo mail, gmail, my school mail, my school's job search site, sometimes
twitter every once in a while, and quite often
Bubble Spinner. I'm not ashamed. It's fun.
What was the last thing you bought?
Scotch tape, jolly ranchers, and about $23 worth of pictures.
If you win 10,000 bucks today, what would you do with it?
Yes, it's shallow. Yes, there are probably more beneficial things I could do with the money. No, I would not give any of them a second thought. I don't think it's possible for me to tell you how deep runs my love for the Mazda RX-8. Hooooo what a beaut.
Last concert you went to?
Seabird/House of Heroes!!! In Dallas, a couple of months ago. It was absolutely incredible. Both bands put on such a fun show (second time seeing Seabird, first seeing HoH) and all the guys in both bands have such beautiful hearts. Plus Dad went with me! And loved it! My dad is the coolest dad. Also their tour was called the Birdhouse Tour, so many an appreciative chuckle there. <3
What could be one of the best things to happen to you right now?
Honestly I don't really know. I'm pretty happy. The aforementioned discipline thing would be nice. As would the Mazda money. I'm going to go ahead and freak you all out and say I think getting engaged would be one of the only things that could make my current life any more awesome. Oh or maybe getting a part-time job on campus. lol equivalent?
What's the last thing that made you happy?
My new friend Shawn! She is so cute. She's kind and really funny and not ultra sensitive like some of the girls on this floor but also not stand-offy like some of the other girls on the floor, and she likes Nancy Drew computer games AND her boyfriend loves Doctor Who so she wants to watch it with me!! Like from the (2005) beginning!!! SHE IS A PERFECT NEW FRIEND.
Also it made me happy to read my flist after having been gone for a couple of days because, seriously, you guys are such cool people and I'm happy to know you.
Do you want to learn another language?
I'm actually going to have to say not really. It's just not something I'm all that interested in. It's cool knowing a little bit of Spanish, but I don't feel the need to become fluent, or to pick up a new language. I mean, maybe if I had a burning desire to live for a year in...Indonesia, or somewhere, I would definitely want to learn the language. But I'd rather spend time in England, or maybe Scotland or Wales, or Ireland, so just...English is fine. I love English. I mean, the language and the subject, and all.
Five things you can't live without.
1. My God
2. My family (to include my close friends)
3. Books
4. Music
5. Wendy (my laptop ahaha)
ETA: forgot to tag. Okay, I tag
strawberrymaj, and
velvetblazers. Unless you don't want to do it, or have already done it, or...whatever.
And now I'm going to go to the beach and then have a Chili's date! And tonight or tomorrow I hope to FINALLY, FOR REAL have an update about first week in Wilmington. If you're interested at all in seeing a picture of two of my room, let me know?.... if not I won't be mad. Much.