So I'm, um, working on a project, and I was wondering if anyone knows Amy's aunt's name? I felt like she said it in The Eleventh Hour but all a google search turned up was a few theories on how Amy Pond=River Song, and Amy Pond's aunt=the duck pond, and other equally lirl-y things. (Note that if you subscribe to one of the aforementioned theories, no offense is meant. Well. Maybe some offense.)
In the meantime here's one of the top fives!
Top Five Books/Movies/Whatever You Thought You Wouldn't Like But Ended Up Loving (asked by
professor_spork )
answered in no particular order, just as they pop into my head.
1. Tropic Thunder (movie)
I know this might shock some of you, and I apologize if I've just ruined the image in your mind's eye of me as an awesome person with fantastic taste. But uh, I have rarely laughed so hard at a movie, ever. I don't even like Ben Stiller and I rarely like Jack Black, and I was of the opinion that any movie that didn't allow RDJ to appear as his normal incredibly gorgeous self was a ~complete waste of time.~ But it turns out I was wrong! All three of them were hysterical in this movie and RDJ actually played the douchebag method actor really well. Oh also, Matthew McConaughey is way better in this than he is in any chick flick ever. Not that that's all that difficult, but still. This is also home to my favorite Tom Cruise role. I don't even know what else to say. It's just really freaking hilarious. Give it a try. If you want.
2. Cracked Up To Be (book)
This was one of our books for Adolescent Literature this spring (which by the way was the BEST CLASS EVER). The first thing that turned me off was the cover, which is pretty chick-lit-y. And then I read the first chapter or two and I really didn't like Parker, the protagonist. She was kind of cold and bitchy and I just wasn't impressed. But the story seemed to be going somewhere interesting and Summer's prose is really lovely, so I pushed on, and literally three pages after I had decided I didn't like it, Parker's story opened up a little and I fell absolutely in love with her. The rest of the book is stunning and heartbreaking and intense and lovely. Seriously, I highly recommend this book if you're into "realistic" YA. (Plus, now I'm kind of friends with Courtney, who in addition to being a really good writer is an awesome person.)
3. The Illusionist (movie)
I didn't watch this until after it and all the other magician movies had come out, right around the same time. So in my mind it was kind of a "pff bandwagon" thing. Plus I don't like Jessica Biel, plus I kind of thought it looked boring. I WAS WRONG. IT IS GORGEOUS. Literally everything about this movie is gorgeous. The plot is gorgeous, the love story is gorgeous, the MUSIC is GORGEOUS and the cinematography wow. I adore this movie. WATCH IT.
4. Moulin Rouge! (movie)
Mmk, the first half hour of this movie is like the weirdest crap ever. Not ALL of it, but enough to make me not want to watch the rest of the movie, for a pretty long time. And it wasn't even an actor thing this time! I love Ewan McGregor! And Nicole Kidman most of the time! Anyway one of my friends in high school insisted we watch it for a movie night and I think it was around her birthday or something so I obliged, and it turns out that after the cracky first 30 minutes this movie is also way gorgeous. It's sweet and romantic but also dark and intense and I really like the pseudo-musical format and the side characters, and how even though you know what's coming the whole time it still breaks your heart. This is probably my favorite bigscreen love story, though not my favorite movie (I have some serious issues with treating Eternal Sunshine as a love story).
5. The Twilight Saga (books, movies, graphic novel, soundtracks, various merchandise)
(my uncle sent me this picture.)
really 5. Psych (TV)
I don't know if I really thought I wouldn't like this show or if I was just determined not to because my family all started to like it better than Monk, and I love Monk. Haaaa. (That's about typical for the scale of our family rifts, by the way.) But no, I am a moron, Shawn and Gus are precious and Psych is cute and funny and I love it now.
Honorable Mentions
1. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (movie): I hated the fifth movie a lot and didn't expect this one to be any better, but it was! Although that was possibly because that wasn't one of my favorite books.
2. House of Heroes (band): This boy I reeeeally hated in high school loved this band and talked about them all the time, so I refused to listen to them until Jasa brought "The End is Not the End" on a roadtrip, and now they're in my top five favorite bands. I KNOW, I'M A PETTY PERSON.
3. Grey's Anatomy (TV): Okay, I don't love it for sure, but I do have a kind of fondness for it after being forced to stop hating it on principle of being Another Hospital Show and give it a chance. (Patrick Dempsey is not bad looking.) (But Sandra Oh is REALLY ANNOYING.)
That took a long time! I need to get back to my project! Help me out friends!