I thought about waiting to post anything until I could do a re-watch of 5x12 and 5x13, but we all know how charming my rambly nonsensical minute-by-minute reaction posts are! And I wouldn't want to deprive you of that. Plus there's no way I'm staying away from all your reaction posts after I finish, and if I read them before I write mine, it might color my own reactions. I mean, probably not, but maybe. I'm just stalling until my parents go to bed so I can pop in my earphones and press play and not feel bad for ignoring them or anything. Or be seen crying at a laptop screen. Which I kind of assume is going to happen at some point. Okay that's plenty, let's just do this thing.
Man, don't even know what to say about that "previously" sequence. I super loved that episode.
YESSSSS, IS THIS THE MISSING SCENE WITH WEE AMELIA!? Guys I love this little girl. She's fabulous. Ohh...why is he not there? :(
..............are there no stars? That's scary as hell. HAHAHA, I DON'T TRUST THAT RICHARD DAWKINS. Whoa rewinding, who was the guy at the mailslot? Oh hahaha, looked more like Matty there. First glance I thought I saw Wilf?......I'm losing it. FA;AR.;F./FA.J/AR;.RA COME ALONG POND.
Oh my gosh you guys, this child IS young Karen. It's astonishing. She's amazing.
scary scary Daleks.
The notes are kiiiiiiilling me. They're precious but they're making me nervous. Augh scary pandorica stuff!... Although guys, really, Amy Pond is a killer character. As a little girl she gets a note that says "stick around" and she just does. She's almost as bad a as Rose. BUT YOU KNOW NOT QUITE.
Hi Rory!! Haaa, twice in my case. Sorry. Not funny. Oh he's cryyying.
HAAAAA. THAT HAT. MATTY YOU'RE ABSURD. THE DOCTOR CAN BE MY RIDICULOUS MIRACLE EVERY TIME. I'm kind of nervous though, why can't Matty go and do these things himself? What's Rory going to have to do?... :( "I've got a future, that's nice!" Hee.
I want Rory to be real. Oh wow, nice real punch! "SHE IS TO ME!" That's my boy. I LOVE their love story. Aww and that's my Doctor. Matty, here at the finale, I want to take one last chance to say that I love your bizarre-o face.
Hang on, okay, it's good that my Amy is okay, but what happens to Rory in the meantime!? Oh okay, shortcut. Oh no he's not going. It's oh no and oh yes all at once. My God, I love their love. Guys how did this haaaappen. I adore them. Oh Rory. All I've done all freaking season long is worry about Rory.
She's got to remember, right? ............my heart hurts so much. Oh Rory.
"Come along Ponds!" Hee. THAT'S RORY AGAIN! Ah, still plastic I see. STILL THE CUTEST HUG EVS. It hurts my heart how Rory apologizes all the time for everything. He's so dear. Awwwwww kissin. You guuuuys. How can anything bad happen in this episode? It's got to all be heart melty like this.
...okay, with an extra shot of timey wimey. Haaa, I kind of love this sequence. ...oh no, not anymore, I'm scared and sad now. 1) THIS IS TOO TIME-TRAVELER'S WIFE FOR ME. GARBAGE FILTER IS UP. 2) I don't want him to be dead, but I might extra not want whatever has to happen for him to stay not dead, to happen. Although can I just say, Matty's dying acting is gorgeous.
...okay, no lie, I gasped out loud and "nooo"ed when Amelia was gone. Phil looked up like "WHAT!? What happened?" This is sad and scary. (let the record show that at this point I backed up to see the Amy/Rory reunion again. Spirits lifted. Moving on.)
Yay, daleks again. Does "good question for another day" basically mean we just won't get to know the answer? Sigh. "Trust the plastic," hee. Mm, River's time loop is freaky. Haahahaha, "hi honey, I'm home." I like Eleven and River. Is that weird? HAAAHAHAHA. I liked the fez but I LOVE what just happened with Amy and River. I LIKE RIVER A LOT. HELP ME FIGURE THAT OUT.
I'm a little lost so I'm backing up but ahahaha, Amy blowing the Doctor's dramatic pause.
Okay so...the memory of the universe is in the box? Basically that's it? I don't really get it still. But neither does Rory so it's okay. I'll count on Leah and Sylvia to understand for me. "Well that would be lovely dear" hahaha, okay seriously this love is getting ridiculous.
UHHH. UHHH. ............................................................ He looked so happy. His smile when he turned around. Uhhh he's shivering. I can't do this. It hurts. Damn it.
Geez, River. I mean she's a BA but that was...necessary, yes, okay, but...I'm extra not buying the marriage thing, now. I don't know, maybe it's no different than Rose dividing the atoms of the daleks, but River was so much more...scary about it.
WHY snapping at Rory.
I have to be completely honest. Knowing that the show doesn't end here, that it actually can't end here, kind of takes some of the drama out. Not in a bad way, I guess. But...I want to be distraught here, but I'm just not buying it. I dunno.
But okay, Matt Smith is aces. He is so incredible. Oh my God, what's happening? What happened? I don't understand. That's better, though; now I'm properly emotionally invested. Now there's something really at stake here. I need that. Is that sick?
"Gotcha." mmmmmf. My heeeeart. I lied. That was stupid of me. It hurts. It's important.
Matty!!!!!!! "Legs, yes! Bowtie, cool." Dear. HAAA, SPACE FLORIDA. Wait he's...what? Oh. HEY I KNEW IT WAS A DIFFERENT DOCTOR. TOLD YOU SO. Come on Amy. come on my girl. Come on Doctor. Come on, show. "I thought if you could hear me I could hang on, somehow. Silly me." No. This isn't fair. It can't go this way. "And the times we had, eh? Would've had. Never...The Doctor, and Amy Pond, and days that never came." This is killing me. It's not fair. Ohhhh. "Live well. Love Rory." No, this isn't right. I can't stop crying. I can't handle it.
But all her dolls and all are still there. And she's surprised...and I'm confused. BUT RORY SAID "HELLOOOO!" AND HE'S NOT PLASTIC! I want the Doctor back more than I want not-plastic Rory. There's some proper priorities! Well played, Moff.
But oh, my God, she is beauuuuutiful. Her parents are nice as well. River! Oh my God, Amy, every time you cry and don't know why I want to die. oh my God, River's journal is blank. oh my God, the TARDIS is old and new and borrowed and blue. oh Doctor. oh my God. oh my God. It was about her wedding. Oh please Doctor, please, Amy, please. Yes. YES! YESSS! AMY YOU'RE A STAR. AND RORY REMEMBERS TOO! OH MY GOSH DOCTOR HE LOOKS CUTER THAN ANYTHING, LOOK AT HIM, OH MY GOSH, LOOK AT HIM, MAAAAAATTY. HAHAHAHA MR. POND. HAHAHAHA LOOK AT HIM DANCE. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA KEEP IT LOOSE, WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM. Oh look at their little slow dance. Ohhh, boy who waited. oh, is this another wee Rose moment here?
Hmm, okay. I don't know if I'm ready for this yet. That's all right, though, I'm definitely at least okay with seeing River again before too long.
Hang on, watching the last few minutes again. his DANCING. And awwww Rory's cheek kisses. And aww look how freaking happy he is about them. No I really am convinced that he's thinking about Rose there, I SWEAR HE IS.
What can I even say? I'm embarrassed that I had misgivings but I'm going to leave them there so in the future I can see how silly I was and how sometimes I need to avoid getting ahead of myself. Who cares if we all knew he'd be okay? That was EPIC. I loved it. Seriously, I loved it. I'm a bit disappointed about not knowing who the voice was or about the silence yet, but not all that surprised, and it means another year (a FULL YEAR am I DREAMING) with these three!!!!! I'm so happy. I would never have thought I'd get to be this happy at the end of this episode, or of this series. I mean...that was good. I'm so happy. Well played Moff.
Maybe a smaller post with more coherent thoughts later. Maybe not. But oh, that was nice.
...okay, ETA.
I'm just curious, um...if Amy had to, like, remember him back into being in history, does that mean that that moment was like his starting point? I mean, is he now "One?" I mean I assume not, because then he gets a phone call from the queen, so she must know about him, and also I assume not because my head wants to assume not, plus HE WAS TOTALLY THINKING ABOUT ROSE WHILE AMY AND RORY DANCED. But...it just kind of confuses me. I feel kind of like the Moff wanted to distract me with the blinding sorrow and then the blinding cute, and even the Dream Team I didn't think was possible, so I wouldn't notice how much doesn't really make sense. Which, okay, wasn't really a lot. I do kind of think the Moff had the best intentions. Right? RIGHT!?
The beach was lovely, by the way; I've had a wonderful few days and soon I'll tell you about them. For now I'm going to go giggle some more about how adorable that was.