May 12, 2011 21:32
My hubby will be coming home tomorrow night, and I've never been more thankful that it's Friday. My brain and body and emotions have not been this out of it in a REALLY long time. The first two nights he was gone, it literally took me til after 2am to find enough exhaustion to fall asleep. I just couldn't face that big bed without him. For some reason, I haven't been able to go into my office, either. It's like the house is too quiet, and I just can't go on as normal. Is that pathetic or sweet? I don't know, but it's been my reality this week. Tom said he has the same problem when I'm gone, which has unfairly happened WAY too often for my family's stuff. I will go to MUCH further lengths (further or farther?) to avoid us traveling separately in the future, especially for family stuff. If we have to rent a car instead of fly, we'll do it. I can't handle this, and I don't want him to, either. *sigh*
Alright, I HAVE to go to bed in 30 minutes... Later, folks.