Holy crap, people! If you don't mind reading a rant about my cat's peeing habits and some (okay, a LOT of) complaints about female stuff,
Tom and I have established that my female schedule consists of something like this:
2 WEEKS before my "time" (like in the middle of the friggin' month) - I get severe female pain, usually front and back, requiring the use of a heating pad and lots of sleep. This lasts for 1-2 days.
1 week before "time" - I get severe nausea, like I'm about to run to the commode, but not *quite.* This could last 3 or 4 days. It's usually after a few days of this that I wonder if there's some other reason I might be nauseous. *sigh* Oh, and the PMS thing. Yay.
A few days before - Standard pain, PMS, headaches, all that fun stuff.
You know...
For up to a week and a half AFTER - I get headaches daily, sometimes migraine level, which require OTC meds, due to water pressure. Again, yay.
And, guess where that leads us? (Um, back to the 2 weeks before thing - pay attention!) Yeah.
So, basically, poor Tom has to deal with my "stuff" all month long, and *I* get to deal with my "stuff" all month long. So not fair, man. Seriously.
Ah, so, how the heck does this relate to my cat, you wonder?
Well, today was a severe pain day, and I was suffering on the couch with a heating pad, switching it from front to back every little while, as it was hurting equally on both (why don't I just buy a second damn pad, for pete's sake?), and my cat... (here we go) had just gotten comfortable on my pillow (note, this is right next to my head, and that we had arrived at this compromised spot after several minutes of my convincing her not to knead various sensitive parts of my face, chest, ladida, and can I note that we do this dance EVERY time she comes to lie next to me?? *sigh* okay, back to the action...) when... she had one of her pee fits. If you're not familiar with these, I'll just tell you that she (poor baby - I really don't blame her) is SUPER sensitive to fleas, and sometimes, when she itches really, REALLY bad, and she can't get to an itch on her hind quarters or feet or legs or whatever, she starts spasming uncontrollably... AND... peeing in whatever direction she happens to be pointed. *sigh*
So. I'm lying there half-asleep, in pain, and I suddenly find myself guarding my head from stray claws and spasming legs AND... I feel a stream of warm, not-so-great-smelling liquid running down my arm and gathering around my armpit. TMI? Ready to throw up yet? Imagine how *I* felt! *sigh* Geez.
So. I wake up (rather abruptly - duh!), I clean everything up (Blech! Me, the cat, the couch, the throw pillows; all the nonliving items getting thrown down the basement stairs to be laundered when I'm more awake and can safely make the trek down the steps), I Febreze the world, then I tiredly decide to relocate to the bed. Um, can you guess what happened next? Anticipation; I'm all about it.
Okay, this time, my foggy mind decided to be a little more prepared, so I put an old t-shirt across the area where Chloe (um, the cat, silly) usually lays when I'm there by myself (usually while in pain *sigh*). So. I'm lying there with the dog snuggled up behind me, and I feel the cat pounce up with us, and I tiredly direct her to the aforementioned t-shirt, thereby keeping her in the "protected" zone. *sigh* Well, you know what happened next, right? Yup. ATTAAAAAACKKK!!! I mean, um, frantic licking followed by a sudden series of spasms, then... you guessed it, pee. Everywhere, dammit! The t-shirt was soaked, the bedspread, her, some of me. Blech.
So. Again, I wake back up, strip the bed, clean everybody and everything. *sigh* I eventually stumbled into the other room to apply the soon-to-be-due Frontline dose to the poor kitty and called Tom to ask about the magical pills we found a while back that help her in these times (Capstar, if you're wondering). She now has a fresh dose of Frontline, a magic pill in her system (hidden in wet food), and an exhausted Cristy has stayed awake long enough to buy said magic pills, pick Tom up from work and report to you kind folks this entrancing story.
Blech. Is there a house-sized dishwasher available somewhere? Yuck. *picking up the Febreze as I type* Ah, the joys of owning and loving pets...