Personal Mission Statement - In Process...

Nov 29, 2010 23:16

Dude, you can find some of the most amazing stuff by exploring the blogs of people you already know. Wow. Following is a journey I just took that I thoroughly enjoyed:

Was reading one of my fav blogs, Mrs. Bachelor Girl, and glanced at one of the commenter's websites, Lisa's Everyday Elembee, and as I was scrolling through some of her recent posts, I found this post about designing your life, which had a reference to her post about creating a personal mission statement (and while reading that, have discovered that I am now addicted to Makeunder My Life, who I just HAD to quote from her post about November Do's and Don'ts on FB, because, let's face it, a pic that states "Fat Gives Things Flavor" just BEGS to be quoted)... where was I? Oh, yes, so I was reading Everyday Elembee and hopping over to MML... which led me to Covet Chicago, specifically her post, Introducing Warm Soft Money, which is mostly about the personal mission statement steps (and I really loved Heather's mission statements in the comments, which meant I gained ANOTHER addiction, Gathering Spriggs), and the point of all this is that I decided to go through some of the steps described on Brigitte's page (Covet Chicago, if you're having trouble keeping up - sorry!) to begin creating my own mission statement.

So, though I haven't gotten to the finished product of writing my Personal Mission Statement, I did start the process. I began with the exercise she quotes from Stephen Covey’s "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People," which is to (paraphrased here) imagine attending your own funeral and list those attributes you'd like people from your life to remember about you. Here were my answers:


Then, it advises you to write down the different roles you play in your life. Mine were:

Online friend

...and then the long-term goals you'd like to achieve in those areas. My immediate responses were the following (please pardon the confusing grammar choices):

  • Wife - Provide a loving relationship for my husband to grow old with
  • Daughter - Reassure my parents that I am grateful for what they have done for me and that I love them
  • Sister - Be there. Support. Cherish. Love. Enjoy. Experience life with
  • Sister-in-Law - Cultivate friendship. Be there if needed. Appreciate
  • Online Friend - Encourage. Experience with. Bounce ideas off each other. Inspire and be inspired by
  • Writer - Create something others will enjoy. Entertain. Dive into my imagination and enjoy the process
  • Teacher - Inspire. Help cultivate minds. Encourage. Support. Be a good example. Invite them to create and imagine. Teach them to love learning as much as I do

    That's as far as I've gotten so far, but I'm really impressed with this process. I'm enjoying the exploration. I will let the thoughts tumble for a while and see what kind of end-product I come up with. For now, I like where this is going.

    Try it yourself! It's pretty enlightening.
  • finding the positive, resolutions, goals

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