Friday 5... 'cause it's, like, Friday, ya' know?

Jun 18, 2010 15:33

  1. Blessing - I've been icing my back every once in a while today and have not had a *strong* version of that "needle in the butt" feeling so far.  So - yay!
  2. Blessing - We have a flex card to use for prescriptions.  If we didn't, I would NOT have been able to walk out of the pharmacy with them this afternoon - I'd have been RUNNING, 'cause there's no way I could've paid for them.  The muscle relaxer refill was over $100, and that's WITH prescription insurance.  Eeek!  Thank God for the flex card. 
  3. Blessing - An avalanche of circumstances (doc not in, etc.) ALMOST made me unable to get the muscle relaxers called in, but the Pain Center came through.  Yay for pain relief.
  4. Blessing - It's FRIDAY!
  5. Blessing - We're gonna' celebrate our anniversary this weekend (it was actually last weekend, but neither of us was feeling up to it) by going to a movie tonight as a stepped-up date night (we're gonna' see A-Team - WooHoo!) and attend the Multicultural Festival - music, food, fun - on Saturday.  Yay!  I'm looking forward to it.  It's gonna' be a good, relaxing, fun weekend!

TGIF!  Have a great weekend, Everyone!  Love to everybody!


blessings, friday 5, tgif, friday

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