Jun 11, 2010 07:57
I stayed in bed while Tom was getting ready this morning, and during that short interlude, I dreamed something that reminded me of myself in high school. I don't remember the specifics, but basically what it came down to was that I was manipulating the circumstances in my life so that I could "cheat" my way out of really working hard. My junior and *especially* senior years in high school were spent skipping classes, writing fake vague "illness" or "doctor appointment" notes (sorry, Mom!) and using the kindness of my teachers to get out of trying to do well.
I remember my French teacher in particular. I had him for 2.5 years of French, so we had a history of sorts. Well, by my late junior year, I had started learning that I could get away with not doing homework, and all he would say was, "Well, you always turn in your work. I'll let it go this time." And, I did this with all of my teachers. I did the bare minimum amount of work that would keep me looking like a good student and didn't try at anything. Man, I had senioritis sooooo bad!
Anyway, I've done this with other areas of my life, too, most recently in regards to my physical state and whether or not that gives me permission to sleep/not get off the couch/get out of doing laundry, dishes, vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom/not exercise/not TRY at anything. But, enough's enough, dammit!
I woke up from that dream and promptly got up out of bed and started moving. That's ridiculous. It's okay to read my body's signals and respond to them, but to go totally underground in relation to chores and keeping a decent house and studying and LIVING, uh uh. Not anymore!
Okay, this sounds all great and hero-ish, but the truth is that I have to do this pretty often to myself. Apparently, I'm lazy. (NO WAY!!?!?) Yeah. So, this is me kicking myself in the bootie YET AGAIN so that I'll stop lying there like a pickled cucumber doing nothing. No more... at least, not this week. ;)
Your determined (once again!),