May 06, 2010 16:13
Hey Everybody!
All things considered, I'm doing pretty good. The doc said I'd probably be hurting today, and I am, but this should only last a few days. Then I should be feeling the relief of the steroids - they take a few days to get into the system. Tom made me promise I wouldn't sit at the computer for very long, so I've been getting up every 20 minutes or so. So, I've not been able to accomplish very much, but I DID get to read all the well-wishes from everybody!
Thank you SO MUCH, Everyone, for all your prayers and positive vibes! You are all SO sweet, and I appreciate it so much. Thank you for being there for me! It means a lot! :)
Tom has quite the sense of humor, doesn't he? :) He's a keeper.
Yesterday went pretty well. I'm needle-phobic, so I knew I'd have a hard time, and they did hurt, especially when he injected the steroid - it felt just like you'd think getting thick liquid being pushed into a needle-point spot on your spine would feel like. Okay, that makes it sound a little worse - it wasn't quite that bad.
All the nurses and docs were really nice, though I think the doc was younger than I am. Geesh. I had to put ice on the injection spot a few times last night, but nothing major, and I didn't have any weird reactions or anything.
I wasn't too fond of having my naked butt sticking up in the air in front of a roomful of people, but it didn't last very long. I was probably in and out of the actual procedure room in under 20 minutes. I felt a little woozy afterward, but that could be me holding my breath every time I felt them poke at me with those things or move them around to find the right spot (yeah, that part was FUN! um, not!). Tom drove me, so no worries there, and I got as comfy as I could on the couch for the rest of the afternoon.
Later in the evening, the numbness wore off, and I could feel the swelling, so I did the ice thing, but nothing I couldn't handle. Today, my back in general was irking me when I woke up, so I slept in. I was up and about by the time Tom came home for lunch, but he made me swear I wouldn't "overdo" it. I've TRIED to not do too much. It's bothering me like any other day now, which is no fun, but they said that should go away after a few days when the steroid kicks in. Can't wait for that!
The doc said that I should be ok to go back to Physical Therapy in about a week if the steroid does its thing and I feel able to - he said it's a good idea to strengthen my core (muscles around your spine) so my joints won't be doing so much work in the future. I'm excited to go back. I really like my PT, and she really seems to understand which part of me needs help and what hurts and doesn't take me to places I'm not ready to go.
Well, I've snoozed my reminder to get up and move twice already (don't tell Tom), so I'm gonna' end this now.
Again, thank you SO MUCH, Everybody, for caring and thinking about me! It feels really good to have you all in my life these days. Thank you! I'll keep ya' posted!
Your glad it seems to be working and relieved it's over,
facet degeneration,
back pain,