Tom's dentist appointment went way better than we'd hoped, and I ended up having an appointment, too, which also went really great.
We found out that the dentist in the town close to where we used to work (much smaller town, though I don't know why that should make a difference) was *totally* ripping us off! They had wanted to do all these crazy things to Tom's mouth that this doc said are probably not necessary. He's still waiting for results of some x-rays and will know for sure next week for his next appt, but he needs far less work done than he was afraid of. AND, they told me (and made appointments, which, thankfully, I ended up not going to) that I needed two fillings (which, you'll see below, I didn't need!). I am SOOO glad we stopped going there. At the time it was lack of money to continue, but I'm sure fate/God played a part in the timing. Thank you, God.
And, I have to brag for a second - I don't have any cavities!! Yay! I'm proud of that because I've only been to the dentist like 3 times in my life to have wisdom teeth taken out. They (hygienist and doc) were saying things like, "These gums look way better than a lot of '6-monthers' we see," and, "Great job." *beam* Sorry. I give my mom all the credit (I'd like to thank my hairstylist and... oh, wait). Crest when I was a kid and all that. :) Okay, enough about that... :)
So, all in all, we were very pleased with this place. The hygienists we both saw were great, the doc came across as very trustworthy, based on his knowledge and how he dealt with both of us, very honest and forthright. And, the people at the front desk explained our insurance and how the different things we needed done would be billed. Very cool. We were very impressed. (here's a
plug for them for anybody in our area looking for a dentist)
What could have been a nightmare turned out to not be bad at all. Positive.