Sep 25, 2009 08:50
I had to take Tom to work this morning, so I'm getting an early start, but I could not keep myself from going through the Tim Horton's drive-thru to get my Iced Capp. *sigh* Oh, well. It's helping me wake up, which I really needed. I know, I could've gotten that from the instant coffee in the kitchen. Plbbt! :P I can only discipline myself on so many things at a time, ya' know?
I finished the 3rd practice report for this lesson yesterday. It was a monster. I'm glad I'm done with that one. Doesn't guarantee there won't be more like it, but one at a time gets it done, right? So, today, I'm getting started on the 4th one. Wish me luck.
I discovered something else the other day that is a strong motivator with this studying stuff... besides the money and the fame... wait, I mean, besides the money and being able to go back to school. The fact that if I do this from now til I graduate college with a teaching degree, I won't have to have any "regular jobs" to go to and stress about and deal with that whole time, and the next job I have will be a "career" job, which I'm hoping will be more fun and easier to go to every day than all the "regular job" jobs I've had all my life. That is a *huge* motivator. How could I have forgotten about that? Well, now I remember, and that just makes me want to try harder.
So, here we go.... :)
p.s. I love this video - good upbeat song to get us started this wonderful Friday morning:
walk away,
kelly clarkson,
medical transcription,