One Year Anniversary

Dec 01, 2009 12:13

Well, yesterday was exactly a year since Jesse broke up with me, and today starts year 2 of being single. As much as I thought I would hate this a year ago, I'm actually loving single life now. I really can't believe I went through those years with Jesse, comprising most of my early and mid-20's, without all the freedom that I have now.

Every once in a while, I'll see a couple together and I'll want that for that instant in time, and then I remember many of the things about relationships that aren't too wonderful, and I'll snap out of my daydreaming. This kinda makes me wonder if I'll ever want a relationship again, under what conditions would I be willing to give up the freedom and the life I live now? What will a guy have to do to convince me that he is worth giving up my freedom? My life is just amazing, the things that I've been able to do this last year were amazing, my freedom is amazing.... why would anyone choose a relationship over this?

Well anyway, life is good, I'm single and loving it, I'm looking forward to many wonderful things the future will bring. With several interesting plans currently in the making, I know that year 2 will be just as exciting and awesome as year 1.
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