May 19, 2009 03:20
i just finished a paper looking at Nausea, specifically the experience Roquentin has with the root, in terms of a particular idea from Slavoj Zizek and Nietzsche's radical nomialism. I am very proud of it, and I already met with my teacher about my first draft and he said my ideas made sense and I was going in a really good direction, so I feel good about turning it in now, after doing so much work on it. I did a lot of reading and consequently learned a great deal in the process of writing it, and I'm happy with the result, so I really feel like I've accomplished something.
My novella critique went really well, and I got some great advice on how to fix my lame, lame ending, which is great. I'm going to put it away for awhile, and come back to it in a few months, I think.
I've been having an awesome time hanging out with Aram the last couple days. I'm very, very happy. He makes me very happy. !
My brother visited on Saturday. I took him to an ENORMOUS party in Tivoli with like two hundred people packed elbow to elbow in this enormous house. Hannah Bronfman (sister to Ben Bronfman, M.I.A's fiance) was dancing on a porch railing and people were doing kegstands. It was ridiculous. He had a good time.
I'm really stoked for my essentially unplanned, totally up in the air summer. Spending it with Aram in that part of Pennsylvania with no concrete idea of what I'm doing except for a math class is actually exactly what I want. I've had such planned out summers for the past two, I'm really excited to just go to PA and see what happens. Also the prospect of spending the summer with a boy I'm so crazy about and feel so stable and happy with is just awesome. We might even go visit Laura in DC, which would be really fun. I only met her like two weeks ago but I feel like she could be a really good friend, or at least a confidante. I think she's funny and very smart.
I feel so good about things right now. And I'm done with homework for the year. After I go to my two classes tomorrow, my semester is officially over.