So much to do, so little time

Aug 09, 2005 23:35

I have exactly 2 weeks until I am back to work. I can't believe the time has gone by so fast. I still have so many unfinished projects. I guess I will just finish as many as I can and not worry about the rest.

Today I spent the day getting the house ready at wrok for the families return. I made all 7 beds, cleaned the kitchen and the moldy refrigerator, had the carpet cleaned, folded all the laundry that was left out and put the girls clothes away. I still have to do the weeding, which is going to be hours of work, if I decide to actually do it. It wasn't a direct order to do it and it is deffinately not in my job description. I do miss the girls a bit, but man do I wish I could get paid to be off for a couple more weeks.

I talked to Deb today and it sounds like her and Miriam are doing great. She took Miriam to the chiropractor and he said that she was just a little off in her atlas. Deb and I attribute that more to the massage after birth than anything else. It was amazing how quickly she responded and let the tension melt away. I wish all of my clients could be that easy.

I started a new book tonight, in the bath, called The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. It seems really cool, although it scares me to think of actually using the methods in the book and changing my life. It is always so much easier to just keep things the way they are than evolve and move forward. We will see how things go.

I bought a new product tonight called Skin Love Mango Pulp which I absolutely love. It is by Sheago and is pure shea butter, mango butter, safflower oil, and mango oil. It smells absolutely scrumptious.

Health wise I am feeling pretty good. I keep looking slimmer, but I am not losing much weight. I still crave sweets and give in much more than I should, but overall I am doing really well. I have avoided wheat/gluten almost completely (had one bite of chocolate cake at Kenny's party otherwise none in weeks), I am doing pretty good avoiding dairy/casein, and am doing ok with sugar. I think that if I ate more I wouldn't get the cravings, but because I can't eat that much at one time usually and because of my supplement schedule I don't eat enough and then give into cravings because it will be just a little bit and digest fast so that I can take my supplements on time. I know, pathetic, but my body and mind will make up any excuses for some sugar. I guess I should sit down and work out a better schedule. It will be easier when I go back to work I think because I will be getting up earlier and that will give me more available hours during the day to eat since I am supposed to stop eating by 6:30 pm. Most of my symptoms are gone. The only ones hanging on are acne and the cravings. And of course the energy deficiency and the brain fog, but those aren't suppposed to be fixed yet.

Well better get my supplements together, walk Roamin and get to bed. Tomorrow I am working on the gardens again and filling them in with truck loads of wood chips. I bet I will be sore Thursday
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