Hello everyone. In honour of the day that is most holy of April First I've decided to follow a trend that seems to have swept the Internet in a wave today. Beiber fever... Everyone is doing it. FunnyorDie, my friend's Tokio Hotel fanfiction archive, I've seen several links to Beiber videos that might rival Trololo Guy making Justin the new Rick Roll.
In other news I've safely made it to Bradford and will be spending time with Adorable One and Adorable Two this weekend, namely my baby cousins as well as the rest of my mum's side of the family. Eva was of course in bed already when I rolled up in style (aka Jon's van) at 7 but I seen Luke. And he can say my name now, :D Which seems to amuse him as much as it does me. So he spent a lot of time asking me questions starting with my real name and as thus I will not post them here. Let me just say it was adorable!
The ride down was pretty uneventful. We left at around 4 instead of 7 which means we got there when we were supposed to leave. This of course allows me to spend more time online stealing Interwebz but whatever! Jon was cheerful all the way down except we had to have his friend find our way here. I was hoping for a goodbye something more than a hug but with his friend there, oh bollocks. Let's just say boys are stupid. The fact I clearly stated that Shenanigans was expecting us too hook-up after last Friday didn't seem to enter his mind that maybe he's been playing his cards without looking at them or some other such boy flirts too much and then does nothing analogy. Not that I would have done anything serious, serious but really. A girl doesn't mind a good snog now and again... or even a good night kiss if you catch my drift!
Anyway. It'll be a busy day tomorrow so I should head up to bed soon. And by soon I mean after I've finished checking the stuff that I would have checked at home in the time I had to kill and thus had built up. Ciao people!
PS It's Blog Ever y Day in April (BEDA) again. Might have to go check to see how I did last year and see if I can manage doing it this year.