Jan 29, 2010 15:33
I had a whole list of things to do today! I really did!
*Lesson plans
*Work on RA application
*Wash my bedding/make my bed
*Do dishes
*Tidy room
*Post video
*Post vlog
But it's 3:30 already and I've done nothing!
This morning I woke-up at quarter to nine to my room being as dark as it's been at night sometimes. It was brilliant! I'm going to have another sleep-in tomorrow morning and this will be well accomplished thanks to my lovely new mock curtains. Who ever said money can't buy happiness is wrong. For $3.97 material and $2.26 tiny plastic dollar store clamps, I'm sure getting a lot of enjoyment out of them. Then again maybe it doesn't count because they aren't very expensive. The six dollars wouldn't matter much to most people, kind of does matter to someone that's budgeting and in college.
Speaking of college, I'm not sure how much my roommates can hear me talking to myself so I've been waiting for Morgan to be gone all day so that I could put together a new video that I hope won't be too long but who knows when that might happen. So in the mean time I've been back on Farmville, which is bloody addicting but not so much that I can't pull myself away from it.
I had better start getting through my list of things if I want to reward myself with Mardi Gras at The Wall tonight. I know I'm not that much a drinker or partier really but I want to be able to say that I've A) gone to a bar at least once in my life and B) that I've been to a Mardi Gras celebration even if it's early and probably going to be tasteless.