It's always the extremists that ruin it for the rest of us!

Dec 12, 2009 20:52

I'm going to tell you something scary. Are you ready? Are you sure?

We'll you asked for it.


Oh calm down. It's not that bad really.

Now if you don't know I happen to like the books and the movies. Don't judge me. It's not like that really.

1) I don't want to marry Edward/Jacob. There is no sense in that. Not only are they taken in the books/movies... they are also fictional characters. Not that is anything I would be thinking of doing any ways.

2) I'm not obsessive. Sure I like to fangirl a little, at least as much as the next semi-sane nineteen year old college student with an over-active imagination and too much time on her hands.

3) I don't think that it's a perfect beautiful relationship. Edward is creepy and in any other context abusive.

The thing is Twilight is the new scapegoat for all things pre-teen, obsessive and stupid. It's not. Twilight happens to be a very good story. Not well written but it is a good story and you would have to be a girl to get that. It's not literature, it's escapist. And I'm sticking to that!

My experience with Twilight started like this:
Katy: LOLA LOLA LOLA LOLA LOLA! HERE! *Thrusts huge black book at me* Read it!!!
Me: What is this?
Katy: It's a vampire book my cousins loaned to me over Christmas break. It's written by fanfiction. I want someone to talk about it with and you're the fastest reader I know.

And so I read it. The writing wasn't the best but the story was good. I read New Moon the next night. Eclipse was just out at this point and my friend didn't have a copy. I bought Eclipse first, then the other two. As a teenage girl who liked a little escape into a world of fantasy I enjoyed it. The romance, the surprises (vampires sparkling may seem stupid but you have tyo admit you've never seen it before!), the funny lines. It was like reading a story that my friend had written. And then came Breaking Dawn and the insanity. By the time Breaking Dawn came out it was everywhere. Things had gotten crazy. Team Edward, Team Jacob or like me Team Switzerland. I waited in line for two hours in front of the local book store to get the book. Just because I could. It's something fun to do. I waited four hours in line for Twlight and pre-ordered tickets online for New Moon.

Don't judge me though. It's not fair. I'm not crazy. I don't swoon over the characters. I can hold a rational conversation about the books. I can admit there are flaws. To say that all Twilight fans are crazy is like saying all Muslims are terrorists, that all black people are criminals, that all teenagers are slackers. And those things aren't true. It's a stereotype and it's wrong.

So stop bashing Twilight.

I'm sure there are things about you that I don't like but I don't post rants about them online, wear t-shirts about them, scream angrily about them. There are fans like me that are just normal people that enjoy something. So it's time to stop all this nonsense. It's time to live and let live.

My name is Lola and I like Twilight. I'm a normal nineteen-year-old girl in college that likes to have a little fun sometimes. I have other interests. I'm not obsessive. It's not me that you should be bashing. Don't generalize.

Like everything else in this world, it's the extremists that ruin it for everyone!

twilight saga, lola-isms, rants

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