And I thought I actually missed the lengthy ramblings of a certain Auriga Sinistra. Alcohol shouldn't loosen people's tounges - it should clamp them shut. Alas and alack - my whims are ignored. Nonetheless, nights out are fabulous. We should have them more often.
I hope you enjoyed your night off, Marcus - this evening, we have a not-so-pleasurable task ahead of us.
Merlin. Dolores Umbridge knows where I am stationed. Which dimwitted fool told her?
You know what I'm in the mood for? Coffee. And brownies. How difficult can it be to find brownies around here? Speaking of which, Patricia is doing an excellent job as a General Assistant (because we agreed that the title Girl Friday was demeaning, just like the Muggles finally worked out not long ago) - but if you want to know if the coffee pot is going to be replaced, I'm afraid I can't answer that for you. It's in Dawlish's court and he seems to like not having the oppurtunity to accidentally break things again.
As our investigations are deepening, we have been offered the chance to have our patrol duties reduced to two nights a week. I don't want to speak for you - so you may decide if you'd like to take advantage of this option.
As good a man Marcus is, I find that I do indeed miss Angelina's conversations. Perhaps I should drop in on her and see how she is doing.