(no subject)

Aug 26, 2007 21:15

so, Owen and I had to do laundry today, since the place we had been taking our laundry to kept losing our clothes. I don't like it when my clothes get lost, so we decided to spend quality time at Dirty Dungarees, the wonderful place that is both laundromat and bar.

no, really. they serve liquor there.

we didn't partake of the liquor, but, we did find the following:

now, you might assume that this is a parrot machine. I've seen those before. but you'd be mistaken. upon closer examination it became apparent that it was in fact a large red dog riding a purple dinosaur. Owen and I decided it was Clifford the dog riding Dino. it was more fun for us that way.

this Clifford / Dino combination called out for our quarters. all of our extra quarters. upon insertion of a single quarter, it could be heard to say, "I love the sound of money! Here's an egg for you. Have a happy day!"

inside the eggs were prizes. strange prizes. I'm not sure why the offspring of a big red dog and a happy-go-lucky dinosaur would take the following shapes.

the first prize we found was the following gem:

on the other side, it has a picture of Ricky Martin. you can't tell from the picture, but under the "I love Ricky Martin" part it says it's from 1999. so...I'm assuming that this dinosaur / dog machine hasn't been refilled since about that time. needless to say, I wore this necklace all day. and giggled every time I saw it.

next, and for no apparent reason, I talked Owen into getting temporary tattoos. it turned out in a strange fashion.

possibly the worst temporary tattoos ever. Owen's wanted pie:

mine was so awful, that his horns refused to come off the paper and he came out looking a little sad.

both of these tattoos had peeled off within ten minutes of application. that is precisely how wonderful they were. so, it was back to the dinosaur / dog eggs. this is what came out next:

what would you expect to see inside a big crate marked: "DANGER: LION"?

oh, wait, no, it's just empty. there is no reason in the world for this toy to exist. seriously. we pondered it for a long time, and came up empty.

yet another trip to the machine gave me this:

it's a tiger dinosaur monster! with no legs, but part of a foot. it, however, is of a higher quality that the tattoos we got from the actual tattoo machine, as it is in fact still quite nicely attached to my hand.

by now, I was seriously addicted. the things coming out of this machine made no sense at all, and since our clothes seemed to be taking their own sweet time to dry, I begged Owen for more quarters. I don't know why. a streak of masochism? temporary insanity? only time will tell. these were the next additions to our collection:

Owen really liked the Bane figure.

the other figureine had the creepiest eyes ever. one of them was pointed in a completely opposite direction than the other. she could fit inside the lion box.

Bane tried to fit in the lion box.

Bane broke the lion box.

and then there was this:

it launched a small plastic disc which was lost immediately. also, for some inexplicable reason, it said "venus" on the side.

warning: does not work with coins. we tried. the coins were also instantly lost. on the upside, this prize was obtained with a namco fun coin. we're sticking it to the man.

about this time, we realized that our clorox for colors had been possessed by the ooze from ghostbusters 2.

the bubbles didn't show up very well in the picture. but I assure you, there was a large collection of bubbles oozing out from the lid. perhaps the invisible lion climbed in there and was struggling for breath. anyway. our fear required that we make another trip to the dog dinosaur. this came out.

to keep Bane company! of course! needless to say, Owen began spouting amusing, vaguely nerdy Batman related pick-up lines. weird voices were involved. I giggled. this inevitably happened.

followed by this.

and then this.

apparently the invisible lion box is capable of being fixed. pretty easily, in fact. just in case the invisible lion gets out and you have to put him back in in a hurry.

our final trip to the machine before out laundry was dry gave us this.

I don't know who in hell decided that this would make a good prize. but check out the helpful directions on the back.

this is Owen ignoring the directions.

and this is our final egg count.

also, for anyone interested, this was the less-than-thrilling result of the confetti packet. we tried it out in the parking lot outside. it took Owen some serious determination to get the damn thing to pop. he really shouldn't have expended the effort.

unrelated: livejournal has no idea how to spell hijinks.

but yeah. the laundromat was full of unexpected fun. a magical day was had by all.
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