Jul 26, 2007 13:38
Tonight, I'm going out for coffee with my friend Melissa, whom I haven't seen since we graduated from high school, 7 years ago. A couple of months ago, we found each other on Facebook and have been talking a bit on there, and I'm pretty excited to see her! (Gotta love Facebook...) Actually, when I moved to Strathmore and started school there in grade 2, she was one of the first friends I made, and we were friends of varying degrees of closeness over the years. She's married now and has a little boy (named Jacob, actually), and she'll be in town visiting her parents, so we're getting together this evening... it'll be good to see her again before I move.
Funny how leaving makes me nostalgic for spending time with people I haven't seen in years--some, I haven't even seen since I moved back from New York, and yet I have this incredible desire to hang out with them now.
It's not that I didn't want to hang out with them; I think it's just that moving like this--relocating like this--instills a sense of urgency in it. There are people that I've been meaning to go for coffee with for ages, and it hasn't worked out, so even though I may not have seen them in a year or more, it doesn't mean that I haven't wanted to. And, in Melissa's case, it's great timing, as much as anything else.
I'm trying to do as many coffees this week as I can, while Colin's working nights. So, last night I had coffee with Heather and it was Janna's birthday; tonight, I'm going out with Melissa; Monday, I think I'm getting together with Alison, another friend from high school; Tuesday, Kat and I are having a girls' night; Wednesday, I'm going for coffee with my high school French teacher... and beyond that, I don't know. Still, I know that there are people I want to see, and this is a good time to do it (and it keeps me distracted from the packing that I should be doing, too!).
And on a completely different note, two days until the breast cancer walk. I'm going to be a mess all weekend. I cry just watching the promotional video and reading the profile pages of breast cancer survivors who are walking. I'm anticipating needing a lot of kleenex, especially during the opening and closing ceremonies of the walk, but even along the way, there are stories of people coming out to meet and cheer on the walkers, and those can be just as emotional as the ceremonies themselves.
I'll write more about that later, though...
wknd to end breast cancer,