I guess it's about time...

Apr 27, 2006 23:19

...to start posting a bit over here, too ^-^

So I'll make it short and simply give you a little story of mine... Hope you'll enjoy it, tho it's an old one, and don't forget to post stuff yourself, folks ;-)

A/N: Written for contrelamontre's "Frustrating Lust" Challenge.
Two little notes: First: Never wrote any improv before. Second: Not a native speaker. I apologize!
I am not sure whether I caught the thought of the challenge, but somehow the scene just developed like this while I wrote and I confess I like it, even though it is… confusing (and very short!).
Implies LotR and BHD being shot at about the same time, which did not happen.
Disclaimer: All these words emerged from somewhere deep inside my weird mind, means: it is nothing but purest fiction, never knowingly happened and absolutely not true! No profit is or will ever be made by writing down these fantasies of mine! All persons mentioned herein belong to no one else but themselves and are in no way familiar or related to the author!
Status: finished in exactly 32 minutes, including some vocabulary checkups (05/11/05)
Pairing: Elijah Wood; JoshLando implied
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: RPS; solo, implied oral & anal; partly vignette; angsty
Synopsis: A feverish mind in desperate attempt to deny the truth.
Beta: Spirit_Seeker - great job!
Archives: contrelamontre, adultfanfiction.net, caseyzeke, jacked_up, being_chased ~ any other person/community/archive/etc. please ask permission first!
Feedback, whether good or bad, is highly appreciated.

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