Senior Year of High School Meme
What year was it? 1992-93
What were your three favorite bands or musical artists? Wonder Stuff, XTC, and John Wesley Harding (They Might Be Giants and Beautiful South are close runners-up)
What was your favorite outfit? Don't recall, but I remember wearing more necklaces than was probably advisable. I wore Chuck Taylors a lot with jeans and t-shirts that were way too large on me. I think I was also going through something of a hippie phase. I had a blue and white hippie dress that I remember liking a lot.
What was up with your hair? It got shorter and shorter throughout high school and by senior year, it was chin-length. I don't remember if I still had bangs or not. Probably not.
Who were your best friends? Heather S was my best friend, but I also hung out with Sue C and Jessica G a lot at that point. Katie M had gone away to college, but I still kept in touch with her as well.
Where did you work? I didn't. My parents were opposed to me having a job. Although I did do some babysitting, I think.
Did you take the bus? No, I lived a couple blocks from my high school, so I walked.
Who did you have a crush on? Jessie who I hung out with a lot. I was also crushing a little on Emily E at that point.
Did you fight with your parents? Sometimes. They weren't thrilled with the "coming out" part of my high school experience. It put a real strain on our relationship.
Who did you have a CELEBRITY crush on? None that I recall. I wasn't big into celebrity crushes.
Did you smoke cigarettes? I tried them my junior year of high school, but didn't really like them. Plus I got arrested for underage smoking. Yes, you read that right, arrested. Ah, the joys of "no tolerence" laws! I did community service for that. It was dumb.
Did you lug all of your books around in your backpack because you were too nervous to find your locker? No, that would've been SO uncool in my high school. You went to your locker in-between each period.
Did you have a 'clique'? Yes, I was a Theater nerd (backstage) and a Speech Team nerd. Those were the people I hung out with.
Did you have "The Max" like Zach Kelly and Slater? [I am totally clueless as to what this is a reference to. I'm going to guess it's about a restaurant or hang-out place.] My friends and I hung a lot at Round The Clock restaurant because there was NOTHING else to do.
Admit it, were you popular? Definitely not! I ran with the smart kids who applied themselves in school and didn't drink. I was several circles away from the cool kids.
Who did you want to be just like? Katie. She had such a free, creative spirit that I admired and wanted to emulate.
What did you want to be when you grew up? I was accepted into college as a Chemical Engineering major. I ended up with a degree in Sociology. I had no fucking clue what I wanted to be. I still don't. At that point, I thought my career would be math or science-related.
Where did you think you'd be at the age you are now? I didn't think too much about the future then, but I think I assumed that by now I would be settled into a long-term lesbian relationship. Capital-L Lesbian. Life didn't turn out quite that way, but I am in a long-term relationship with a woman. At that time, I never would have imagined my current configuration.