Mar 14, 2004 16:35
I've accomplished soo much with my car this weekend. I cleaned it, I got my rims to be shiny (that never happens, especially with my old car), and I replaced stuff. My right blinker light was out and when I used the blinker, it clicked like twice as fast as normal (you know the clicking you hear in the car when the blinker is on). It clicked twice as fast as the left one because that tells you to change the bulb. I changed that, I got in the engine all by myself (gasp) and I knew how to use the wrench (gasp again) and I changed the bulb all by myself. YAY!! Just kidding, this is spurring from last night when I was told that girls don't know anything about cars. When I went to take my radio out of the car and replace it with my cd player. I wired together the wiring harness all by myself, with the help of my sister cutting tape, and I istalled my cd player all by myself, oooooo. That goes to show him I am not a complete idiot when it comes to cars. "All women should do is clean cars, leave fixing them to us machanics" that is the attitude he has when I go to fix something in MY car. Anyways I was excited that I can prove him wrong. Hehehe. Bye guys.