Well. I think maybe it's time for an era to come to a close. At least for now. This will be the first time in a long, long time that I'm not at mbp in some shape or form, and it's going to be weird. I can't do it anymore. My heart just isn't in it. There are just a couple of people I talk to anymore and I haven't been able to get the motivation to get out there to talk to more. Jason has virtually no career and hasn't pretty much the entire time I've been here and I think I'm just tired of no new pictures, no news, nothing. He has a new pilot he's filming, but why bother waiting around for another six months to see if anyone even likes it enough to pick it up?
I think what it comes down to is I just don't have the energy to put into Jason what I need to in order to get anything out of him. I feel like I'm hogging the role (though, is there anyone dying to be him?) so I think it's time to let it go.
I love a whole lot of you and I hope you know who you are. I'm not anywhere else around here so I can't refer you to any other journal so you can add me. Though if I ever come back, believe me, I'll add a handful of you and I'll let you know it's me.
This has definitely been an experience like no other. Maybe I'll be back, maybe I won't. Maybe you'll find me on other servers, maybe you won't. With that being said, I'm out. I'm going to choose my replacement.
I should fill this space with shout-outs, but you guys know who you are. I love you all so damn hard.
Whatever, Shia, I love you ok.