Nov 05, 2010 15:42
What, I remember to check this journal... certainly... not. ERM. HE'S BEING LOUD AGAIN, NONETHELESS.
To the first five ten people who comment to this post, I will gift you with something of my own crafting. It may be an icon, a manip, will probably definitely be a ficlet, or something completely random. You may love it or you may think it sucks, but regardless, it will be made with ♥love♥ for you from me.
Feel free to give me a request of what you might like (ship, character, actor/actress, fandom, color, etc).
The catch? You must pay it forward and post this in your journal so you can gift 5 of your friends with special gifts made by you.
01. Open Slot
02. Open Slot
03. Open Slot
04. Open Slot
05. Open Slot
06. Open Slot
07. Open Slot
08. Open Slot
09. Open Slot
10. Open Slot
[other] meme