I never use to really care for Doctor/Master. And then one day, this LJ for a Doctor Who fic gets featured and I happen to notice it (generally I barely bat an eyelid at the spotlights), and, well, I read the entire thing in one go, and I suppose you can say my eyes were opened.
Anyway! The point is, the same author has written a retelling of End of Time. I’ve been waiting for this awhile now and was not disappointed \o/ I read Aria’s fic and always end up inspired. I just… can barely explain it. It’s like a dizzying sort of joy!
So, here are links to the EoT story, as well as the story that turned me onto the pairing, and even more love when she wrote another snuggly long fic.
after me comes the flood (End of Time retelling) [Warning: character death.]
Season Four (s4-AU)
Season Five (s5-AU, unrelated to the above fic)
They are all fantastic and I highly recommend each if you have not already read them \o/