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Tonight I drove out to Taber, partly because I was kind of freaked out by my roommate’s boyfriend (I’m assuming that’s what he is) is here. Most of you probably know that my roommate is always locked in her room and I never see her. She did come out with Cara and I once, but only once. Even after that I still barely ever see her. Last week on Wednesday, I think it was, she left in the afternoon or something and then she came back the next afternoon with him in her car as I was leaving. Then he was here all weekend. He was still here Monday afternoon because they past me when I was walking back from class. The I didn’t hear anything until this morning after my accounting class I could hear them talking. So I think he may have been here all week, but I’m not sure. He doesn’t see to have a car so it doesn’t make sense for him to leave and then come back.
Katelyn left this afternoon and I could hear him in her room after she left. It kind of creeped me out because I don’t know him at all. He’s weird looking too. I’ve seen him three times. About a month ago when she brought him down here and I had my door open when they came in, then last week in Katelyn’s car, and then when I saw them walking into the school on Monday.
So, I wanted to shower but I was kind of scared to leave my door unlocked knowing he was here by himself. I don’t know why. The whole situation is kind of weird and creepy. So I went home to do some laundry and shower and to steal some of my parents food, but they didn’t really have any lol.
Anyways, the point of this post was supposed to be about my drive back to Lethbridge. It was kind of amusing.
I was driving at about 155 km/h and people were flying past me, but I’m glad I wasn’t going any faster than I was because a few minutes later another vehicle was coming up behind me. I knew it was coming, but then when it actually past me, I saw that it was a cop. I started laughing because I was speeding but the cop was passing me. He had to be going about 120. He didn’t have his flashy lights on or anything, he was just driving. I didn’t figure out if it was a Taber cop or RCMP, I didn’t look close enough but I found it quite funny.
Then something that kind of freaked me out. On the last big turn before you get to Coaldale, I was coming up behind a big truck and I was on cruise control, so when my van actually passed the truck it was right on that turn and it was really freaky because it’s a fairly sharp turn when you’re going 110+ on it.
Then when I got to the lights in Coaldale I saw the cop again. There was one car between us. Then when the light changed green there was all these vehicles following this cop, because no one is stupid enough to pass a cop lol. It found it so amusing because there was like 4 vehicles behind this cop, in front of me all the way to Lethbridge. I was laughing almost all the way to Lethbridge.
Anyways, that was my odd night.