Sep 24, 2004 16:36
howdy y'all.. I haven't updated in a while because I got mad homework and stuff. this week was very confusing and bad. I had 4 tests this week. all of them were honors classes tests. the day seems so long and spanish is gay as hell... here's my day-to-day:
MONDAY!- It's monday, what can I say, it's a very bad day, what else can I say. I had a bio quiz and a World History Quiz. first period wasn't too bad. my class is retarded. the class is Algebra II-9 honors (i think) and they don't know how to solve point slope.. wow..
TUESDAY!- I had gym... it sucked like other days.. we just run and do nothing. I go to vb for six period... Mrs. Cohen is nice.... and Jon is in my class and so is jobert so we just chill and do the work fast. I met the most interesting and I find her very attractive person... her name is Lori and she is amazingly beautiful.. she's not scared of anyone and she's so funny, outgoing, she's pretty smart... she's just one of the only perfect girls I've seen.... I think she has a boyfriend though.. damn.
WEDNESDAY!- today I have lab.. lab isn't too bad.. we just do easy experiments... and other crazy stuff.. we don't do much... the rest is just kind of a blur... I saw Lori again... and yeah... she has a boyfriend.... damn...
THRUSDAY!- today again isn't so bad... I saw someone who doesn't have a boyfriend and looks good... she's a gymnast... but her name shall not be mentioned because her friend reads this.. I THINK...
FRIDAY!- sucks... today was long as hell!!!!
I went to SPS today... it's was fun.. meghan was there.. I talked to mrs. conforti, fr. david, mrs. slader, mrs. treuer, Sr. pauline.. but I couldn't catch mr. c... he left while i was talking to mrs. conforti... but yeah.. i just talked to them about school and how it's way different.. and that there are a lot of girls.. but most of them have boyfriends...